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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.


¿ Que hora es ?

This term we have been learning how to tell time in Spanish.

Today, in our groups we played a time board game to develop our time telling skills in Spanish. Can you tell me what are theses times are in English ?

Las ocho y media

Las diez y cuarto

Las seis y cuarto

Las doce en punto


4 responses to “¿ Que hora es ?”

  1. Manvi R.

    1. Half past 8
    2. Quarter past 10
    3. Quarter past 6
    4. 12 o’clock

  2. Muhammed R.

    It is so fun when we playing the Spanish time of board game.

  3. Israa F.

    1.Can you tell me what are theses times are in English ?
    las ocho y media-Half past eight
    Las diez y cuarto-A quarter past ten
    Las seis y cuarto-Quarter past six
    Las doce en punto-Twelve o’clock

  4. Surinder J.

    This was so fun!

    Que hora es?
    1. Las ocho y media
    Translation: Half past 8.
    2. Las diez y cuarto
    Translation: Quarter past 10.
    3. Las seis y cuarto
    Translation: Quarter past 6.
    4. Las doce en punto
    Translation: 12 o’clock

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