
It is an exciting time of year for your children in Reception!

As a school which celebrates all faiths and religions we have been learning about why Christians celebrate Christmas. In a couple of weeks time the children will be putting on a performance of the Nativity. We are currently working hard to practice songs and a performance for you to come and watch.

Your child may come home with some words to learn, we would really appreciate it if you could take the time to support your child with learning these lines.

We are working hard to ensure that ALL children are included in the performance and we hope that you appreciate that including 90 children can be a difficult task. Through our teamwork, respect and brilliance we will endeavour to make this a joyous performance for all!

We will also be posting songs for the nativity on the Reception blogs, so that children can practice these at home should they wish.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to pop and see me or a member of the Reception team but we are very much looking forward to welcoming you into school on Thursday 7th December at 2:30pm.

Many thanks

Mrs Langley and the Reception Team.

One response to “Reception Nativity.”

  1. Sonia P.

    My mummy and daddy will come.😊

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