Roald Dahl Books- do they offend?

Some people have called for Roald Dahl books to be edited, taking out words that may hurt some peoples feelings, whilst others say his words make them laugh.

What are your opinions on this matter? If you want more details about this story, google and find out the various evidence presented. Your opinions matter!

58 responses to “Roald Dahl Books- do they offend?”

  1. Elyas A.

    I think that it is really good and maybe Roald dahl fans of his books and maybe everyone like his books like if they laughed and will be sad and be a Little angry.

  2. Seher A.

    The Roald Dahl books are. Funny but the ad words should be edited.

  3. Zahraa Y.

    I think that it’s quite rude because people might find it offensive while people laugh at the things that hurt their feelings so I think that it is very rude and offences others so I think he should be able to write different words,However they are only just children books so in the end I think that it should only be out of a few books but otherwise I actually thing that it’s fine.

  4. Hudayifah

    I like his made up words because they’re hilarious,they are very silly and make me laugh

  5. Kamil N.

    Different people get offended by different words and this is bad because you or anyone else could say something as a joke while somebody took that offensive and this is why you should think about what you’re going to say before you say it just in case.

  6. Ibrahim M.

    I think that Roald Dahl’s books are funny and interesting. If they do hurt people, I don’t think Roald Dahl meant this to happen and he wanted children and adults to laugh and read his books instead of people going out of their way to file complaints about him and them being offended.

  7. Mohammed W.

    I think it should be changed because if little children read the Roald Dahl books they might learn the language and accidentally say it out loud.So I think it should be edited.

  8. Muhammad S.

    I do not find his books offensive in anyway they make me laugh and nothing else.

  9. Tipian I.

    I think yes but , they have to put a warning signs that they have offensive language that could harm and hurt people.🔜

  10. Najma O.

    If people are making fun of the words they should take it out because if it hurts others they should just take it out so others do not make fun of it again .

  11. Rir K.

    In my opinion, his made up words are very entertaining to me because sometimes I like to create made up words,

  12. Maddox B.

    Yes because they are joyfull

  13. Isah C.

    I don’t think there’s any problem with roal dhal I think people are not fan of it I and may just hate it because I read some roal dhal book and it was very fun like The BFG

  14. Markuss B.

    I don’t think they are offending anyone because the books are funny and are for children.
    Children books don’t offend anyone!

  15. Xlexben F.

    I feel like the should leave the book like it is because the are funny books and he is not saying the mean words to the reader he is saying it to the character .

  16. Sarah A.

    I think words that can harm others should be taken out and words that don’t harm you then you can keep it .

  17. Zahra D.

    Our opinions are that it depends what kind of words they are if they are words that hurt peoples feelings a lot then take them out but if they aren’t keep them in.


  18. Ayaan M.

    I don’t really find Ronald Dhal books because they are very funny to me very nice books and he is an awesome person and an amazing author .

  19. Sameeha A.

    I think that it could make people upset but it mostly makes people laugh.

  20. Afreen S.

    We both think that Roald Dhal books aren’t offensive as they bring joy to kids and are enjoyed by many other people. However, for many people they might think that some Roald Dhal books are offensive but Quinten Blake (illustrator) can fix this.
    Kaif and Afreen

  21. Mehar R.

    I thing they should be eatdi

  22. Shuqraan H.

    I enjoyed reading the books about mr twit and Mrs twit

  23. Muhammad B.

    I feel like some people can be mean and say unpleasant things because the book is trying to make nasty things not to be mean just to make the book more funny. An example is The Twits from Roald Dhal the characters are meant to be dirt and nasty because for the fun of the book.

  24. Safa K.

    I don’t think that the Roald Dhal books should be edited but I think that Roald Dhal should let people know that he doesn’t mean to hurt anyone’s feelings.

  25. Abraham E.

    I love reading the Roald Dahl about Mrs and mr twit

  26. Shahzad S.

    In my opinion I think Roald Dahl books do make us laugh and I think they don’t hurt peoples feeling because he doesn’t mean it and it’s fiction he is just trying to entertain us (the purpose).

  27. Leon T.

    My opinion on this matter is that they make the books more unique to other books made by different authors. I think the books are not edited.

  28. Muhammed R.

    I need to edit the Roald Dahl book because some word make us laugh.

  29. Lawy A.

    I think they shouldn’t change it however people need to be sensible about.

  30. Kevin R.

    Well I think we should take out the offensive words and change them to funny words.

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