Rounding Decimals in 4W

We had a great Maths lesson today, rounding decimals to the nearest whole integer.
We took part in a range of activities including LBQ and Active Maths.

What is an integer? Give examples

Round the following decimals to the nearest integer:





2 responses to “Rounding Decimals in 4W”

  1. Sumayyah A.

    An integer is how man lines are shown for e.g 6 are shown. The integer is the smaller lines.
    9.2 rounded is 9

    0.7 rounded is 1

    10.5 rounded is 11

    7.4 rounded is 7

    Tiny is incorrect because he forgot that when you round when the numbers 123 and 4 are shown it will be lower if it is 56789 and 10 it would be the bigger number.

    I really enjoyed the lesson especially when we ran to get a decimal number and then rounded it to the nearest number.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Glad you enjoyed the lesson Sumayyah.
      Well done for answering the questions. I have given you 5 Dojo point!
      What should be the answer to Tiny’s question?

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