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Sampling Sushi in Year 6!

As part of our Design and Technology unit this half term, the children researched the history of sushi, before designing their own dish and creating this in real life! The children followed a recipe to create this authentic Japanese dish, linking with their Japan unit of Geography this half term. Have a look at their reactions below!

7 responses to “Sampling Sushi in Year 6!”

  1. Rubab G.

    The sushi was nice but the nori was really hard to bite in.

  2. Tipian I.

    The sushi was sticky and I’m not a big fan of it .
    It’s not the best but , sometimes, I just ramdonly want to try abit .
    I like how there are many different things to it e.g soy sauce .
    I like how you can still taste the vegetable and fruits.
    I dislike how the rice taste likes.
    I dislike how sour / bitter it .
    I’m not sure :
    I’m not sure if I like how crispy the nori ( seaweed).
    I’m not sure if I like the combination of sour rice with vegetables and fruits.

  3. Tana I.

    The sushi was okay :)

  4. Hanfaa N.

    Nice job making the sushi. Hope you all had fun 😊. Miss you 6R

    1. Mrs Morris

      We miss you, too, Hanfaa.

  5. Miski M.

    This was so fun! The sushi, I felt was a bit bland but with the soy sauce it has a more salty flavour. :)

  6. Yaseen E.

    I would really like to try some but I have been in Sidney for the 3-day transition so if you could let us try some too.

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