School Values

Tell me about the school values that you use most often and an example of how you apply them.

152 responses to “School Values”

  1. Muhammed K.

    Resilient because they have give up with there work .
    Kind because when someone falls on the groude then we help them get up

  2. Maddox B.

    I often use kindness for example I help a little child that did not have an umbrella and was walking slow and the person at the gate said can you help him so I decided to be late for this child and shared my medium sized umbrella

  3. Rubab G.

    Communication because I don’t talk to that person in a loud voice I speak in a calm voice.

  4. Hasbia D.

    The school values I used are:
    Teamwork because I have worked in a team to make something.
    Respect because I respect school property and respect people around me.
    Kindness because I respect other people’s opinions and what they are saying.
    Communication because I talk to my peers in class discussions.

  5. Sameeha A.

    I have used the value of Knowledge by researching more information about the Ancient Greeks.

  6. Irfa M.

    Tenacity an example for that is she I do my work I don’t give up until I get the right answer
    and try to get on with my work.

  7. Ghazala H.

    I show value of kindness respect by showing most often by using the school values.
    I apply them by showing teamwork because these values are important to you and other people with showing these values to someone else and freinds.

  8. Elham S.

    The values that I apply to mostly is resilience honesty respect teamwork!
    Resilience because I never give up, for example; if I get an answer wrong I correct myself.
    Honesty because I always tell the truth if I was like a suspect of like a scene.
    Respect because I care for people and I respect them.
    Teamwork because if I get put in a group of people I work with them sensibly.

  9. Ahmed B.

    I use respect the most as when I talk to people I talk to them with respect and also when we do team work we have to work with many people and treat them all with respect.

  10. Sarah A.

    I use resilience by never giving up when I’m doing my work.

  11. Romeesa T.

    I show respect by respecting others cultures ,traditions or religions. I show kindness by asking how people are telling them to have a nice evening.
    We have 12 school values the are respect, kindness ,individuality ,brilliance,tenacity teamwork communication ,resilience ,empathy honesty.

  12. Zahra D.

    Respect by respecting what everyone says.

  13. Kirtan P.

    Respect : i don’t shout out.
    Teamwork : I contribute by getting table points .
    Honesty : I always tell the truth no matter what happens.
    Resilience: whenever I make a mistake I try again and I don’t give up.
    Kindness : I help people when needed.
    Empathy : I use this when someone is sad I try to understand their emotions.
    They are all my values that I use almost everyday.
    From Sania and Kirtan 5 red

  14. Haroon K.

    I show the values of Kindness because l be kind to my friends and also l show respects because l respect people around me.And l show teamwork by working as a team.Also l show brilliance in my work and also l am honest if l tell a lie.

  15. Ghazala H.

    I show value of kindness respect by showing most often by using the school values.
    I’m showing brilliance in my work to show how your work is brilliant and if your showing all the values you are a citizenship of all these values and this show you are an amazing person.

  16. Mohammed W.

    I often use respect because when the teacher is talking I don’t talk over her.
    I also often use teamwork because when I am in groups I don’t argue.

  17. Ibrahim M.

    I use teamwork because when we work in teams i use teamwork and share ideas.

  18. Alzahra R.

    Resilient and kindness
    We learn resilient in our SMSC book and kindness and PHSC

  19. Jensen C.

    There are twelve values, teamwork, kindness, honesty, respect, empathy, resilience, tenacity, brilliance, knowledge, communication, imagination and finally individuality.

    I use the school value of resilience to keep on trying when I fail and then succeed!

  20. Aran K.

    I use kindness by helping people when they fall or when they need help with something else.

  21. Ayaan M.

    I apply school values by helping others and be a role model to the little ones. I also show tenacity because I never give up and communication in games so we can’t in the game teamwork is also included.

  22. Zahraa Y.

    Kindness,this is because I help people who need help in maths and always say polite things to teachers and DRA’s and including students at BH.

    Knowledge because even when I find work hard I’ll try to figure It out until I understand.

    Tenacity: even when I find things hard I’ll work it out until I’ll understand the question.

  23. Tipian I.

    I normally use teamwork , respect , honesty and knowledge in my daily basis.

  24. Isah C.

    Respect:I have shown respect by listening to the teacher and when they say stop look and listen I stop whatever I’m doing

    Teamwork: I shown teamwork by when we work in group I help out

    Honestly: I have shown honesty by when I tell the teacher something I don’t lie I speak the truth

  25. Markuss B.

    I used kindness because when I come in I always ask someone how they are and how their day has been.

  26. Ibraheem T.

    I mostly use teamwork or respect I use teamwork because in maths I work on my table together and I use respect because I respect my friends.And I use teamwork in the Olympic Games and I respected all of my friends

  27. Maryam N.

    I use resilience because in maths sometimes it is hard but when I try and try lots I will get the answers this also happens in PE when we do run and jump it was hard at first then I still tried and tried I finally did it.that’s how I use resilience.

  28. Xlexben F.

    I have showed resilience by not giving up on Ancient Greek Olympic game

  29. Ibraheem T.

    I mostly use teamwork or respect I use teamwork because in maths I work on my table together and I use respect because I respect my friends.

  30. Adam J.

    Teamwork I can use this by helping in groups and not doing nothing and respect by listening to other people.

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