Today you have taken part in an investigation learning about how shadows are formed. Answer the questions below sharing the knowledge you have learnt.

How are shadows formed?

How can you affect the size of a shadow?

How does a shadow change depending on whether an object is opaque, transparent or translucent?

59 responses to “Science- How are shadows formed?”

  1. Ilyas K.

    1.Shadows are formed by light going into dark.
    2. If you reflects shadow and you put it back it will get bigger but if you put it closer it will get.smaller.
    3. Opaque is that you can see through translucent is that you can almost see through transparent is that you can’t see through.

  2. Jari V.

    1) Shadows are formed by if you are in the 🌞 and it shows at the wall you are blocking the light and it shows a shadow.
    2) So if you have something small or big it will be different lengths and it will be affected by being different sizes 💡.
    3) If the weather is dark you can not see the Shadow because in the dark the darkness blockes all the light and the clear glass is transparent 🌠.

  3. Eva H.

    Shadows are formed by light and darkness because if u mix light and darkness together outside it creates a shadow but if u don’t mix light and darkness together it won’t make a shadow. And the shadow is opaque so nothing can go through it u can also Ofect the shadow by going backwards and forwards if u go forward it’s small if u go backwards it very tall. Some shadows can be sideways it can go north east south and west depending which way ur shadow is.

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