
Science Mixtures in 5 Red

Today in 5 Red, we started a new unit of ‘Mixtures’ We explored different mixtures and how we could separate them. To test this theory, we took part in an experiment using a variety of mixtures with ingredients such as, brown sugar, cornflour, chocolate, raisins biscuits to make different forms of mud.

By mixing these different ingredients, we were able to investigate the way certain materials change and whether theses changes were reversible and could be separated back to their original form and be re-used. Take a look below at the pictures of us in our experiment making a mess but having fun too!

What does soluble mean?

What does insoluble mean?

14 responses to “Science Mixtures in 5 Red”

  1. Haarun M.

    And does not dissolve

  2. Haarun M.

    Dissolves in water

  3. Mojirolaoluwa S.

    An insoluble means that it doesn’t dissolve in water

  4. Hussein H.

    1) soluble means when something can disolve into liquids.
    2)insoluble means when something can’t disolve into liquids i figured this by the root word in meaning the oppisite.

  5. Nma M.

    I had so much fun doing this!
    1. Souble means when something can dissolve in a type of liquid.
    2. Insoluble means when it’s incapable to dissolve in a liquid.

    1. Mrs Diaz

      I’m glad you enjoyed it Nma! Great answers too.

    2. Hussein H.

      1)iudsgbjbuhqoijaslmdkn vbvchndsjwkql;a.s,mdx cvbh/1 `Q

  6. Yahya K.

    Soluble means something that dissolves in a liquid.
    Insoluble means something incapable or not able to dissolve in a liquid.

    1. Mrs Diaz

      Great Yayha! Do you know the meaning of the word ‘Solute’

      1. Yahya K.

        A substance dissolved in another substance is the meaning of solute.

  7. Alzahra R.

    1. (of a substance) able to be dissolved, especially in water.
    2. (of a substance) incapable of being dissolved.

    1. Mrs Diaz

      Great explanations Alzahra.

  8. Irfa M.

    1. Soluble means a substance that dissolves liquid in certain fluids.
    2. A substance (solid) that dissolves in a solvent even after mixing.

    1. Mrs Diaz

      Great Irfa. Do Jo points for you and the rest who have commented.

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