School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

This is a very famous song about a snowman. The singer is a boy: before the voice has deepened.

Which instruments can you hear accompanying the Singer?

In this song from Frozen: Feel the pulse and feel how the TEMPO changes as the emotion of the story progresses.

Clap along to the Snow Day rhythms ( remember that the best learners, read, clap and speak the works).

Join in with song: Read, Clap and Speak the words.

16 responses to “Snow Music”

  1. Adrian O.

    I loved the song, Do you want to build a snowman?

  2. Delilah R.

    In the snow man I listened to it a few times each time I head more instruments some I not sure what they are
    Definitely a piano, maybe a flute , a clarinet maybe symbols also maybe harp inheard some string instrument

    1. Mr Russell

      Good listening Delilah, did you enjoy listening out for the different instruments?

  3. Ilyas K.

    In the snowman song, I can hear the piano and the violin.

    1. Mr Russell

      You certainly can hear some string instruments in the texture, Ilyas.

  4. Ayaan M.

    Thank you for the music

    1. Mr Russell

      I am pleased that you are enjoying the music, Ayaan.

  5. Aaron R.

    I heard the drum.

    1. Mr Russell

      Thank you Aaron, I heard members of the string family too.

  6. Esa A.

    it is amazing

    1. Mr Russell

      The music is very descriptive of the Snowman’s flight. It is amazing.

  7. Luxor A.

    Nice music.

    1. Dhonshan R.

      1) violin

      1. Mr Russell

        You can hear different pitches of the string family, Dhonshan. Well done.

    2. Mr Russell

      It is famous for a reason Luxor, it is adored by millions of people the world over. It is great that you enjoy it too.

  8. Hamasah Y.

    I like it because it’s the best way of

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