SPAG practice- synonyms and antonyms

A synonym is a word that has the same (or nearly the same) meaning as another word in the same language.

Can you think of some synonyms for ‘happy’?

An antonym is a word which has the opposite meaning of another word.

What is an antonym for night?


Can you write them in a sentence?

4 responses to “SPAG practice- synonyms and antonyms”

  1. Aaminah A.

    Can you think of some synonyms for ‘happy’?
    Synonyms for happy include:
    What is an antonym for night?
    An antonym for night is day or daylight.
    Ugly = Hideous – The beast looked hideous.
    Talk = Chatting – She got in trouble for chatting during a test.
    Said = Spoke – Ash spoke very quietly when she got in trouble.
    Good = Amazing – Despite getting in trouble, Ash’s test results were amazing.
    Pretty = Attractive – Lia’s poster was very attractive.
    Cry = Lana was weeping as her mother scolded her.
    Nice = Thoughtful – Olivia is a very thoughtful girl.

  2. Sadeen S.

    Can you think of some synonyms for ‘happy’?
    What is an antonym for night?
    Talk: I spoke loudly
    Pretty: The poster was very attractive
    Said: She spoke quietly
    Cry: The boy was sobbing
    Good: Their work was amazing
    Nice: The drawing looked good.
    Ugly: Her handwriting was terrible.

  3. Moosa K.

    Synonyms for ‘happy’?
    * Cheerful
    * Contented
    * Delighted
    * Ecstatic
    * Elated
    * Glad
    * Joyful
    * Joyous
    * Jolly
    * Flying high
    * Blessed
    * Sparking
    * Chirpy.

    What is an Antonym for night?
    * Day
    * Daytimes.

    As many Synonyms for the following words:-
    * Talk:- My dialogues were straight and forward to practice.
    * Said:- I talk sometimes really loud.
    * Good:- I am ideal a good role model.
    * Ugly:- It was dreadful raining in the morning.
    * Pretty:- I saw a beautiful sky in the morning.
    * Cry:- I was in tears when the Queen passed away.
    * Nice:- I was pleasant to see my dad from night shift work, in thd morning.

  4. Hammad A.

    1)Can you think of some synonyms for ‘happy’?
    2)What is an antonym for night?
    light, day, brightness, daylight
    3)talk: chatter, speak
    pretty: attractive, cute
    said: aforementioned, forenamed
    cry: weep, sob
    good: fine, quality
    ugly: unattractive, hideous
    nice: pleasant, agreeable

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