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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Star of the Week

This half term the school value we will be focusing on is brilliance and those children who demonstrate brilliance in their PE lessons will be awarded star of the week. Brilliance means demonstrating exceptional talent or intelligence. Congratulations to all children who earned a wristband this week.

How have you used brilliance this week in school ?

19 responses to “Star of the Week”

  1. Afreen S.

    Well done I have showed brilliance on completing my great work and adding more language and also I have tried my best in PE

  2. Kanishka P.

    Well done

  3. Zakariah D.

    Well done guys ⭐️✨

  4. Rustam M.

    Well done everyone.
    start of the week

  5. Madeeha T.

    well done

  6. Shahzad S.

    Well done everyone
    we all can use the value brilliance and the 2 people that show it the best deserve is but it doesn’t mean other children let themselves down keep showing all the values of BH

  7. Minaal A.

    Well done to all the people who got wrist bands of brilliance for doing hard work in PE.
    I have used brilliance in my work.

  8. Ali A.

    Well done to everyone who got a wristband for their excellent PE and keep it up, maybe next year you will get it again.

    I have used brilliance because I always never give up no matter if it is hard and easy. You always need to use resilience because using resilience you can get a wristband or other good rewards.

  9. Alima S.

    Well done.

  10. Meharunisa A.

    Well done everyone from all classes

  11. Umama H.

    Well done to the people who got wrist bands for demonstrating the value Brilliance.
    I have used the value Brilliance in school because my maths work was fantastic.

  12. Bakary C.

    Well done everyone

  13. Myiesha S.

    i have used brilliance and tancity to improve my pe skills to be better at doing so much things.
    pe has told me lots of things like playing mini golf thats one of my favourite thing that i ever had done.
    to a big thank you to mrs shilton and mr rawlings for teaching every class pe so they can be brillant and they wont struggle at doing anthing.
    i love pe days because i get to learn lots of new pe skills to pump up more of my energy so i can be better at anthing.

  14. Myiesha S.

    well done super stars
    stars of the week

  15. Saffa M.

    well done every one
    I have used brilliance at school by trying to play golf and not giving up.

  16. Hasbia D.

    How have you used brilliance this week in school ?
    I have used brilliance in school by helping others and giving them advice.

  17. Hussein H.

    Well done

  18. Elham S.

    Well done everyone with their hard work in P.E
    I have used brilliance by learning new things and making sure no one is miss behaving because if someone miss behaves then there’s consiquences and the P.E teachers will not be happy with the person who’s miss behaving at all so you should always behave,show your best and listen to the rules in P.E to be a good role model to the school to show brilliance.

  19. Sania K.

    Well done everyone.
    How have you used brilliance this week in school ?
    I have used brilliance this week by writing a good historical fiction story in English .

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