Good morning Year 4!

Over the past week, we have been learning how to subtract fractions. Here is a good way to practice this further, to consolidate our learning for this week.

When subtracting fractions, the denominator is the same. It is important to check this first.

Then, we must start by subtracting the top numbers (numerator).
Look at the example below:

Watch the video on subtracting fractions.

Once you have watched the video and answered the questions, have a go at the quiz.

Please share your score in the comments below.

18 responses to “Subtracting Fractions”

  1. Kirtan P.

    I got 4

  2. Abdullah K.

    I got 5/5

  3. Luxor A.

    I got 4/5

  4. Sumaya S.

    3 out of 5

  5. Ismael K.

    I got 3/5

  6. Markuss B.

    I got 4 correct

  7. Tipian I.

    I got 3/5 in the quiz.

  8. Retaj I.

    I got 5/5

  9. Zahraa Y.

    I have played and I got 3/5

  10. Muhammad R.

    I got 3/5 In The quiz

  11. Ibraheem S.

    I got 3/5 on the quiz

  12. Zahra D.

    I did the quiz and got 5%5

  13. Ali A.

    I scored 4/5.

  14. Hasbia D.

    I have scored 5/5 on the quiz.

  15. Ibrahim M.

    I got 5

  16. Sania K.

    I have tried the quiz and I got 4 out of 5.

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