Super Sharks with 1B! 🦈

6 responses to “Super Sharks with 1B! 🦈”

  1. Fareeha N.

    Thank you so much. Miss. Watkins.

  2. Mehmet K.

    Mehmet says what sharks do he says eat live and dead fish and crabs, sea horses, smaller sharks, and lots a more things in the water.

  3. Zack W.

    I really enjoyed learning about sharks. Some of it was funny but all of it was fun to do.

  4. Sara I.

    I have learnt that sharks eat crabs, sea horses and other fish. Big sharks eat dolphins and other sharks.

  5. Anastazja P.

    Well done everyone. I really enjoyed watching this video and learning more facts about the sharks.

  6. Mrs J Patel

    WOW 1 Blue I enjoyed watching your blog with clear voices.Well done. I will give you a learning brick tomorrow. Well done.

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