The Japanese Fans were Great Citizens


Whyย  have all the Japanese fans this last few weeks got lots of praise from everyone around the world? What are they doing to show they care about the environment? What should we always do in school?

43 responses to “The Japanese Fans were Great Citizens”

  1. Aqsa S.

    Your right

  2. Esa I.

    Polution can make animals die

  3. Naimol A.

    japanese football

  4. Musa B.

    The Japanese where very good citizen they pick up litter and do lots of other things

  5. Khairy S.

    Japanese football fans are getting phrase as after them they were cleaning litter

  6. Suraiyah A.

    The Japanese Football fans have been getting praised because they are picking up litter and are staying behind to help clean the stadium.

  7. Faizan R.

    The Japanese football fans are being praised because they picked up litter from the seats and we should do the same to help the environment.

  8. Afreen S.

    Japanese people are getting much praise as after there team left they have cleaned the whole stadium and left some clean garbage bags on the seat so people can clean to which spreads cleaning the environment. We should follow our values bc school rules and greet people with our manners and respect for all things.

  9. Sumayyah A.

    Japanese fans have been getting a lot of praise because they have been staying behind and cleaning the stadium this is helping the environment by picking up the mess and not making litter and making the world a better place.

  10. Miss Woodman

    4 Blue think it is important to pick up litter to keep school clean. Lots of rubbish being left around makes bad smells and can attract animals who try to eat things they shouldn’t! We have also learned that some litter can get washed into rivers and pollute our oceans. We will make sure to pick up any rubbish we see around school.

  11. Muhammad R.

    The Japanese people had got praised because the had cleaned all around the stadium and even the players had cleaned their dressing room.we should use this in school because we would show respect to our school.

  12. Karanbir B.

    1 they were cleaning litter
    2 we should clean litter and pick up rubbish

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