Each week we monitor which children have played TTRS, how much they have played, who has climbed up a level, which class has the most players and earns the most coins!
We have a new team of TTRS champions who will work with me to identify winners, update the TTRS board and hand out prizes in classes.
Welcome to Eman, Retaj, Sania and Jamaal and a huge thanks to Aisha, Surraiyah and Safa who have done an amazing job over the past year!

We also have some fab new badges for children playing every week and reaching those higher levels! Keep playing over half term to see how much you can improve your speed!

And here are this weekโ€™s superstars! Well done and keep up the good work!

23 responses to “TTRS Superstars!”

  1. Mojirolaoluwa S.

    Well done

  2. Muazzan M.

    well done

  3. Faris B.

    well done everybody who got rock star rock legend
    And rock hero

  4. Esa A.

    well, done

  5. Jad A.

    Well done

  6. Hadiya M.

    Wow I’m amazed we’ll done.๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

  7. Ayaan M.

    Well done to all of the people who got the wristbands for ttrs superstars.

  8. Zainab A.

    Well doneeeee

  9. Amina J.

    well done

  10. Luxor A.

    I’ll go on ttrs.

  11. Mrs Hurt

    Hi everyone. TTRS has now been reset so you can all play again! Have a lovely half term.

  12. Nihit N.

    For some reason it says school subscription expired on ttrs.

  13. Ramarni J.

    Well done you guys! I will start playing TTRS more!

  14. Tipian I.

    Well done

  15. Moosa K.

    I tried to do TT rock stars but it says the subscription has expired what do I do?

  16. Amina H.

    Well done TTRS win ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘

  17. Miski M.

    Thank you for the prize Mrs Hurt!

  18. Muhammad Y.

    My account doesn’t work on ttrs I don’t know why

  19. Awais J.

    Well done never give up and you will earn more prizes

  20. Sania K.

    It was fun giving out prizes to everyone . Also thanks to last year’s ttrs for training us to do this amazing job

  21. Hasbia D.

    Well done! I will be playing on TTRS.

  22. Zaeem S.

    Well done to everyone that got the award

  23. Muhammad Y.

    I will play ttrs.

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