Don’t miss our latest newsletter!

We share all the exciting events that took place last term and give you a sneak peek of what’s coming up.

Welcome back Year 6, especially the Dol-Y-Moch crew who have been away.
Firstly, you have all shown perseverance, dedication and resilience during SATS revision last week. It’s been great to see many of you taking initiative and responsibility for your own learning. Only three more school revision days. Give it all you have got, do your very best and fly high.


After SATs

🥳🥳Bring a dish party🥳🥳 Thursday 12th May

As a reward for your hard work we will be celebrating your successes by having a party.

This will take place on the Thursday 12th of May in the afternoon.

Please start bringing in this week(Wednesday 4th – Friday 6th)

Dry food/ cake bars

Juice and fizzy pops

Sweets, chocolate and candy

Party day-Thursday 12th

Any hot food, fresh cakes and dairy products should be bought into spchool by an adult at 12.30pm

Eg: Samosas/ pakoras/ pizzas/ rice/ chips/biryani. please lable with ingredience so we can be mindful of allergies.

If anyone would like to donate paper plates and disposable cups, that would be greatly appreciated.

Finally all food will be shared as an open buffet for Year 6 to have a celebratory picnic together.

Pictures from the last SATS party in 2018 (Prior to the virus- excuse the quality of pictures). These will give you all an idea of previous years

9 responses to “Welcome Back”

  1. Bijan N.

    I will try to bring in chocolate is if it does not melt

  2. Shahzaib M.

    I believe in everyone

  3. Thank you for the information. I will try to get some stuff for the SATs party. 🎉

  4. Safya S.

    This is going to be sooo fun

  5. Muhammed A.

    Tomorrow, I’m will bring in crisps and biscuits.

  6. Ridwan U.

    I have brought 5 oreo packets, Jaffa cakes, Celebrations, and big crisp packets.

  7. Saira S.

    I will bring something in before the deadline ends. I have done so much revison for SATS. Goodluck everyone!

  8. Aayan M.

    Thank you for this information. See you on Wednesday.

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