Glenn Miller was an American TROMBONIST and BAND LEADER.

Please play In the Mood, and read the Fact File below:

Here is a wonderful filmed performance to watch and listen to:

Which instruments can you see or hear?

Here is a modern performance which is recreating the Big Band/Swing Era sound and style of performance.

Here is the wonderful Billie Holiday – a “Trail Blazer” singer, musician and performer.

5 responses to “WW2 Songs & Music”

  1. Kanishka P.

    I like mucic

  2. Aisha A.

    I have enjoyed listening it

  3. Estera V.

    I enjoyed the songs.

  4. Haroon K.

    I liked Robbie Williams music because he entertaining on stage… I enjoyed the music..

  5. Ayaan M.

    Thank you for the songs they were great.

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