Y1 Reading Challenge

Hi children,

Our reading challenge story this half term is:

Firstly, practise reading the sounds and blend them into words which we will find in the story.

Now read the story to your grown up…

Now pick a challenge to complete. Write your answers on the blog or in your homework book’


What does Dad make Ned out of? (Page 6-7)
What 3 things does Dad say Ned can do? (Page 9-10)

Why does Dad tell Ned to stop? (Page 9-10)


If you could build your own robot, what would you like it to be able to do? Why?


Tell me what happened in the story using full sentences. Remember to use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Segment and blend to help you spell the words.

18 responses to “Y1 Reading Challenge”

  1. Inaaya H.

    1 Dad made Ned out of a red bin,a pan,a can and a bit of tin
    2. Dad said, Ned can chop, mop and Dust.
    3 he was not doing his job good.

    i would build a robot that can play with me

  2. Esha H.

    1) Dad made Ned out of a red bin,a pan,a can and a bit of tin
    2) Dad said, Ned can chop,mop and Dust.
    3) because he was not doing his job good.

    if i could,i would build a robot that can
    -help me with my homework
    -play with me
    -Cook dinner with me
    Because i want it yo be a good robot.

    There was man who was making a robot.He used a Red fat box and tin,a pan and then his robot was made. The things it can do was dust and tidy up and he could wipe the table.then the old Man said stop stop stop! And then it broke in pieces and the old Man tried to fix it but he could not. So he decided to make another one.
    That’s the End.

  3. Arshan R.

    1. Ned is made from a red bin, a pan, can and tin.
    2. Ned can chop, mop and brush.
    3. Dad tells Ned to stop because he kept breaking everything.

    Silver …
    If I would build my own robot, I would like it to play with me.

  4. Muhammed-Haaris A.

    Ned is made out of red bin, pan, can,tin.
    Ned can mop and brush and chop.
    Dad said to stop because he breaks everything.

    I would like to have a robot so he can come to school with me everyday 😀

  5. Mahid H.



  6. Tamarah A.

    1.Dad made ned out of a big red bin.
    2.three tings Ned ca do are mop,dust and brush.
    3.because need breaks everything.
    I would like my robot to clean my bedroom because I like clean house.

  7. Muhammad Y.

    Ned is made from a red bin, a pan, can and tin.
    Ned can chop, mop and brush.
    Dad tells Ned to stop because he kept breaking everything.

    I would like to have a robot who sit and draw with me because i love to draw pictures.

  8. Mohammed A.


    What does Dad make Ned out of?
    Dad made Ned from a big red bin ,a can ,a pan , and a bit of tin
    What 3 things does Dad say Ned can do?
    Ned can dust ,mop and chop
    Why does Dad tell Ned to stop?
    Dad tells Ned to stop because he is breaking the things in the house

    If you could build your own robot, what would you like it to be able to do? Why?
    If I could build my own robot I would make it : clean ,cook ,do my homework for me ,Iron my clothes ,get me dressed in the morning and brush my teeth for me

    Tell me what happened in the story using full sentences.
    Fist Dad made Ned from lots of different things then he let him chop,mop and dust but when dad sends Ned to the shed to clean Ned breaks himself .So Dad has to build Ned again using the same things as before .After this Ned is mended again

  9. Adam A.

    Ned is made from a red bin, a pan, can and a bit of tin.
    Ned can chop, mop and brush.
    Dad tells Ned to stop because he hurt himself and smashed everything.

    I would like to have a robot who would play the PlayStation with me.

  10. Kareem A.

    Kareem completed reading challenge on his homework book.

  11. Umar M.

    1. a bin
    2. ned can chop, mop and dust
    3. ned breaks things

    1. i would like a writing robot so it could write for me

    1. dad made a robot, it bashed so dad made it again

  12. Anastazja P.

    Dad made Ned out of a big red bin, a pan, a can and a bit of tin.

    Ned can chop, dust, mop.
    Dad asked Ned to stop as he broke things.

    If I could build a robot he would bring me a tissue to blow my nose and throw it to the bin for me.

  13. Alie-Junior K.


    1) Dad made Ned out of a bin,a can,tins and pots.

    2)Dad told Ned to stop because he was sweeping and everything was smashed.
    I would want my robot to make me lots of toys.

  14. Haitham B.

    If I built a robot, I would like it to be able to play with toys so it could play with me.

    Dad built a robot from a big, red bin, a pan, a can and a bit of tin.
    The robot smashed things up and dad told him to stop.
    Dad sent the robot to the shed to brush it but he crashed about and broke into bits.
    Dad fixed him back up again.

  15. Hurayn A.

    ■ BRONZE

    Dad made Ted from a big red bin, a pan, a can and a bit of tin.

    Ned can dust, chop and mop.

    Dad tells Ned to stop because he’s breaking everything.

  16. Hasan B.

    Hasan completed reading challenge on his homework book.

  17. Zack W.

    Bronze challenge
    Dad makes Ned out of a red big bin, a pan, a can and a bit of tin.
    Ned can dust, mop and chop

    Silver challenge
    If I would build my own robot I would like it to clean ny room because I don’t want to clean it again.

    Gold challenge
    Dad make a robot called Ned.
    Ned can mop, dust and chop.
    Dad told Ned to stop and to go brush the shed.

    1. Umer H.

      Dad makes ned out of a red big bin a pan a can and a bit of tin ned can dust mop and chop.
      If I would build my own 🤖 l would like ti will be cooking robot it.
      Gold dad make robot from big red bin hes names ned.


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