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Y2 Practise these Times Tables

Hi Y2, you are all doing a brilliant job at counting in 2, 5 and 10. To get even better, sing along to these raps to help you remember them as multiplication facts. Let me know how you get on.

17 responses to “Y2 Practise these Times Tables”

  1. Abdullah S.

    What happened to TTRS?
    2W was in second place last night but now all points are lost and only 2R has all the points.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      There was a glitch that has now been sorted. Keep playing, Abdullah. I hope you get well soon 👍🏼

  2. Ebrar Y.

    Ebrar done all

  3. Grace C.

    So much fun.
    the 10x are easy

  4. Maryam K.

    Done all time tabel

  5. Mueez K.

    Done all

  6. Rumaysa K.

    I have been practising my times tables.

  7. Hosanna N.

    This is so much helpful and fun. It helps me to feel better actually.
    Thank you Mr Mahmood

    1. Mr Mahmood

      You’re welcome, Hosanna. I hope you are feeling better, we missed you so much yesterday. Hopefully, see you on Monday.

  8. Adam K.

    I have been practising with my mum

  9. Kai D.

    Kai has been practicing his timetables

  10. Rishaan C.

    I know my 2 5 10s time tables.

  11. Sukhmanpreet K.

    I know my 10 ,2 and 5 Times table.

  12. Rayyan R.

    We will keep on practising.

  13. Miracle O.


  14. Martyna Z.

    my grandma loved it and me to I know my 10 2 5 time tables

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