What a lovely afternoon I have had with the Y2 children.
Because our unit is called Changes, the children delved into ‘grief’ and ‘loss’ and discussed how this can affect us. Because the children are resilient, they shared how they turned their grief into happiness. Please enjoy the video for your class.
CHALLENGE: Who could you talk to about your feelings?

6 responses to “Y2 PSHE – Changes”

  1. Elgin A.

    I tell my mother about my feeling

  2. Bilal U.

    When I get worried or sad I talk to my mum, dad or my friends and teachers.

  3. Sanya S.

    I will be with my family and play some games or watch a movie πŸŽ₯

  4. Yusuf A.

    I would like to talk to the teachers and my friends.πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜‰

  5. Sara H.

    I will talk to my friendsβ˜ΊοΈπŸ™ƒπŸ€«

  6. Orevaoghene O.


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