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We share all the exciting events that took place last term and give you a sneak peek of what’s coming up.

School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

What a FANTASTIC Well-Being Day we have had in Y2! What new skills have you gained today? Leave a comment below.

With Miss Redhead and Miss Bhangu the children used their knowledge of money to make the correct amount. They found different ways of making an amount. Children also role-played shops, using their addition a skills and finding the correct amount.
With Ms Khan and Mrs Browning, the children explored a range of puppets and identified their features. Then they created puppet shows.
With Mrs Walker, the children did some symmetrical frog drawings and concertina dragon making.
With Mr Mahmood, the children created a frog life-cycle video to explain the process. They spoke clearly and even role-played some parts!
Well done, Y2!
Here is 2Blue
Here is 2Red
Here is 2White

5 responses to “Y2 Well-Being Day!”

  1. Miracle O.

    I don’t really like frogs but waterver😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😑😑😑😐😐😐😶😶😶😶

    1. Mr Mahmood

      You have learned so many facts about frogs, Miracle. Which animal is your favourite?

      1. Rayyan R.

        I liked learning about the life cycle of frogs.

        1. Mr Mahmood

          You have learnt lots about frogs, Rayyan. What an expert you are!

  2. Mr Andrews (Headteacher)

    Fantastic work Year 2 – you’ve done so well on your return.
    Really impressive learning and knowledge!

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