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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Year 1 Homework Autumn 2 Week 1 (11.11.22)

Hi Year 1,


You will find your game on Education City- The Three Paths.. Use the same log in details as you use for the blog. It will be under the ‘Homework’ section.


You will find your game on Education City- Hustle and Bustle. Use the same log in details as you use for the blog. It will be under the ‘Homework’ section.


Create a short video or write some sentences to explain how you celebrate. You could draw a picture or include photographs. This could be Eid, Christmas, Easter, Diwali, Bonfire Night, a birthday, a new baby in the family… anything which is special to you! 



Please practise writing these letters pre-cursively at the back of your homework book.

10 responses to “Year 1 Homework Autumn 2 Week 1 (11.11.22)”

    1. Kaavya D.

      Kaavya done all her three homework’s, she felt more excited while doing her wow excercise

  1. Grace C.

    Grace has done her games on education city and did hand writing and practised some spellings.

  2. Kuwar S.

    I have done my maths and English homework on education city.

  3. Faith A.

    I have completed all my homework math and English on Education city and my homework book

  4. Kaiden M.

    I have dome my maths and english homework.

    1. Jannat A.

      I have completed my homework math and English on Education City.

  5. Inarah T.

    I have completed my math homework on education city. It was a fun learning 😊

  6. Adyan M.

    I completed my maths and literacy homework on education city.

  7. Iver V.

    I have finished my homework ✨

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