LONG and SHORT sounds. Mix them up to create RHYTHMS.

We are RAPPING. RAPPING is when we speak or sing words against a PULSE/HEART BEAT.

Tap your knees for the PULSE in VERSE 1, and then CLAP the RHYTHM in VERSE 2,

We use our hands to show the HIGH and LOW PITCHES. Try making a spaceship sound: changing pitch as the ship flies HIGHER and LOWER.

We listen to the singer and copy her. We join in using our PITCH hand-signs too.

We are learning this song and memorising the lyrics.

A New Rhythm Reading exercise:

This week’s class listening:

5 responses to “Key Stage 1 Singing and Pitch”

  1. Bilal U.

    I like the year 1 singing and porch and it was great and fun

  2. Advika B.

    I enjoyed long and short sounds, i miss everybody.

  3. Liliana S.

    Lily has enjoyed all the songs. She has tried to mix long and short sounds.

  4. Latifa A.

    I love all of them thank you Mr
    rasel I like the one who
    singed Mr. Russe I like the video
    Off the girl singing OK Mr rarely

  5. Jasmine P.

    I really like short and long sounds

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