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Hi Year 2. A copy of your homework grid is in your homework books. Please tick each activity you complete. Don’t forget to practise your spellings and also your reading. Remember, spellings are now on a Thursday.

28 responses to “Year 2 Homework”

  1. Hadiya M.

    Hi Mr Cartar, can you plz post the weekly spelling because I don’t have it.

  2. Ilyas K.

    Ilyas hasn’t had his original homework book back and there is no grid in the one given to him recently. Thanks.

  3. Ilyas K.

    Ilyas completed his maths challenges earlier today.
    Bronze, Silver and Gold was completed.
    Platinum was discussed in detail.

  4. Mustafa Z.

    The story of Fantastic Mr Fox Is about three farmers Called Boggis Bunce and Bean. Boggis Bunce and Bean where very nasty farmers, Fantastic Mr Fox Was a very clever fox, Mr Fox used to steal his food for his family from the farmers farms, Every day Mr Fox would bring something different home to eat from the farms like chicken and geese and turkey. The farmers decided they needed to kill the Mr Fox so they waited by his hole and when he came out they were going to shoot him but he was too clever and he ran back in and they only shot his tail. Mr Fox then makes a clever plan and decides to dig underground and he meets the badger, He invites the badger and all the other animals for a feast and he digs tunnels under the farmers farm so the animals don’t have to go overground In danger again.

  5. Aiza B.

    I have done my both homeworks.

  6. Ebnezere A.

    I have done my homework

  7. Carter D.

    Once upon a time there was a fox called Mr fox and three farmers called Boggis Bunce and Bean. Mr fox had a wife, a son and two nephews all the foxes were stealing the chickens and cooking them for dinner. So the farmers came up with a plan to catch the foxes. They tried to shoot Mr fox but only shot His tail off. All the foxes began to dig to escape the farmers. The farmers wait for the foxes the come out but they don’t manage to catch them.

  8. Esa A.

    This story is about 3 farmers those are being robbed by a family of foxes. Mr for and his family need to avoid farmers because they wanted to kill them.Farmers made a plan to kill them and they dig a hole to catch them but Mr fox was really clever he made another plan with other animals. They made a secret underground village for themselves and started to steal chicken and geese so the farmers were never successful in their plan.

  9. Alya M.

    i completed math challenge

    1. Jegor S.

      I have done my maths challenge in education city , my score is 87%

  10. Safaa Y.

    I’ve done the maths challenge

  11. Tinuola T.

    I’ve done my homework 📖

  12. Aadam R.

    Once upon a time lived three farmers Boggis, Bean and Bunce and there were three children and Mr Fox and Mrs Fox. Every night and day Mr Fox creps out of his hole and when he goes out in the open he uses his snout to sniff the farmers and first he goes to Boggis warehouse and gets chickens to feed his family. Mrs Fox makes a big feast with one chicken. The farmers came up with a plan to catch the fox and kill him but the plan was pretty hard to do because Mr Fox was too smart. The next morning Mr Fox creeped out of his hole and went to the farmers house but suddenly he sniffed and he sniffed the farmers and he knew that they had something coming and the farmers were dumb. So Mr Fox may knew that the farmers had a plan. Then in the afternoon Mr Fox snuck out of his hole and into the farmers warehouse and the farmers shot off Mr Fox’s tail. Then Mr Fox returned to his home and Mrs Fox saw that Mr Fox’s tail was shot off so Mrs Fox licked it to make it better. Mr Fox is more clever than the farmers and he goes a different way to take food. He gets lots of food and they are all laughing at the farmers who are waiting and waiting to catch the fox but they never do.

  13. Haroon E.

    The story starts with three but not nice farmers who are being robbed by a
    fox who is trying to feed his family. The farmers, Boggis, Bunce, and Bean, decide they have to come up with plan to catch the fox. They hide by is hole were he lives to catch Mr Fox, but only manage to get rid of his tail.
    I will do it.

  14. Esa A.

    I have completed my homework.

  15. Eesaa A.

    Fantastic Mr Fox

    Summary of the story is that there are a family of foxes and three farmers. Fantastic Mr Fox and the three farmers Boggis, Bunce and Bean. The Family of foxes need to avoid the farmers because the farmers want to kill them.

    The reason they want to kill the family, is because Mr Fox what keeps on stealing the farmers chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys and a apple cider.

    Throughout the story the farmer’s come up with cunning plans to catch and kill the foxes. But Mr Fox is always too clever for them.

    The farmers hatch a plan to try and take all the animals out of their burrows into a big hole that they dug for the animals to exit from and be killed.

    Fantastic Mr Fox comes up with a cunning plan for everyone that lives underground to live in a secret village and he will hunt for food, for all of them, so no one will have to worry about the farmers anymore.

    The farmers wait everyday at the big hole that they have dug waiting for the foxes to come out.

    I have also printed and glued into my homework book.

  16. Aadam R.

    Maths challenge has been completed on the blog.

  17. Siyam A.

    Fantastic Mr Fox has a big nose and he has sharp teeth. His tail got chopped off by a man. This is because Mr Fox sneaked into the mans garden.

  18. Siyam A.

    I completed my maths challenge bronze and silver in my home work book.

  19. Eliza N.

    I have completed my maths challenges to platinum. J will complete my renjlish in my home work book 😊

    1. Eliza N.

      English not renjlish

  20. Bhavdeep B.

    i have done my homework

  21. Faris B.

    Faris has completed the maths challenge and retold the story of fantastic Mr Fox in his homework book 😊

  22. Sumayyah A.

    I have completed my maths challenge well did not do platinum.

  23. Sumayyah A.

    The story begins with three horrible farmers who are being robbed of their chickens by a clever fox trying to get food for his family. The farmers, Boggis, Bunce, and Bean, decide they must come up with plan to catch the fox. They hide by the fox’s hole to catch Mr Fox, but only manage to shoot off Mr Fox’s tail. After not catching Mr Fox they plan to dig the foxes out. Mr Fox and his family begin to try and escape by digging away from the farmers. Things are looking very bad for Mr Fox when the farmers get bull dozers to help them dig, but they still can’t catch the foxes.
    The three farmers vow that they will not give up until they have the fox caught. They decide they will starve them out and set up camp by the hole and call for all the farm workers to surround the hill. The plan is working the foxes are getting weaker and hungrier by the minute. Right when it looks like they might give up, Mr Fox comes up with a fantastic plan. Leaving Mrs Fox behind to rest, Mr Fox and his young foxes begin digging in one special direction to Boggis Chicken House number 1. They carefully steal some chickens and then are off to Bunce’s storehouse of ducks, geese, and vegetables, as well as Bean’s apple cider cellar.
    On the way, they meet Badger who is also digging for his life and he tells the foxes that many animals are in danger because of the farmers’ plot against the foxes. Mr Fox proves he is not just clever but also generous by inviting all the other animals for the greatest feast of all time, from their recently stolen food and drinks. He then has an even better plan to build an underground town where all the animals can live and never have to go above ground again. The story ends with the farmers waiting in the pouring rain. It looks like they will be here for a long because Fantastic Mr Fox has tricked them.

  24. Hamida K.

    I have completed my work in my homework book.

    1. Aiza B.

      Once there were three farmers. They were all horrible.Their names were Boggis, Bunce and Bean.The farmers, Boggis, Bunce, and Bean, decide they must come up with plan to catch the fox. They hide by the fox’s hole to catch Mr Fox, but only manage to shoot off Mr Fox’s tail. After not catching Mr Fox they plan to dig the foxes The farmers hatch a plan to try and take all the animals out of their burrows into a big hole that they dug for the animals to exit from and be killed.
      Fantastic Mr Fox comes up with a cunning plan for everyone that lives underground to live in a secret village and he will hunt for food, for all of them, so no one will have to worry about the farmers anymore.
      The farmers wait everyday at the big hole that they have dug waiting for the foxes to come out.out. Mr Fox and his family begin to try and escape by digging away from the farmers. Things are looking very bad for Mr Fox when the farmers get bull dozers to help them dig, but they still can’t catch the foxes.Now they decided they will not give up.The farmers hatch a plan to try and take all the animals out of their burrows into a big hole that they dug for the animals to exit from and be killed.
      Fantastic Mr Fox comes up with a cunning plan for everyone that lives underground to live in a secret village and he will hunt for food, for all of them, so no one will have to worry about the farmers anymore.
      The farmers wait everyday at the big hole that they have dug waiting for the foxes to come out.

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