School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Hello Year 2, Here is your first homework for Autumn 2. Please remember that your homework needs to be completed by Wednesday and your book brought into school for marking. Have a super weekend and don’t forget to read your book, practise your spellings and learn your times tables.

53 responses to “Year 2 Homework. Week 1”

  1. Hamasah Y.

    Hamasah complete her homework.

  2. Orevaoghene O.

    Oreva got 50% on Education city

  3. Aesha M.


  4. Aesha M.

    Aesha did my hoawerc

  5. Kayla P.

    I have completed my English on education city and scored 100% and have completed my Maths in my homework book.

    1. Miss Bhangu

      Well done Kayla. Great effort!

  6. Rahman A.

    Rahman A completed his homework.

    1. Miss Bhangu

      Please comment yourself with your score. Thank you!

  7. Adam O.

    English: I scored 92% on Education City.

    1. Adam O.

      I have completed my maths homework in my book.

  8. Manuela M.

    I have completed my homework.

    1. Miss Bhangu

      Which other piece have you completed? I have your Education City score, well done!

  9. Huzaifa S.

    Huzaifa has completed his English homework on education city and got 100%. Huzaifa has completed his Maths homework in his homework book.

  10. Warizah I.

    I have Completed my homework on education city

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