Hello everyone. We hope you have had a good week. Below is your homework. Choose two out of the three activities to complete. Please don’t forget to practise your spellings, reading and times tables. Remember to wear you PE kit to school on Wednesday and Thursday. Also, remember that your homework needs to be completed by Wednesday. Have a lovely weekend.

60 responses to “Year 2 Summer 1 Week 1 Homework”

  1. Mustafa A.

    What do tigers eat ?
    Tigers eat meat horses pigs and buffalos
    Where do tigers live?
    Tigers live in Asia china and India
    What are baby tigers called
    Baby tigers are called cubs

  2. Haseeb B.

    I have finished my home work and scored 100 on education city

  3. Haseeb B.

    1. What do tigers eat?
    Tigers ๐Ÿ… eat pigs, horses,buffaloes,goats and deers.
    2.were do tigers live?
    If tigers are wild they live in Asia.
    3. What do tigers look like?
    Tigerโ€™s look like big cats that have black stripes with orange fur and they are they are the biggest of the cat family. Did you know when baby cub tigers are born they can not see.

  4. Latifa A.

    I finished my homework i go 95% on education city and iโ€™m going to bring my english work to school.

  5. Naksh P.

    What do tigers eat?
    tigers eat meat
    tigers eat pig,buffalos,pigs,deers,cows,sheeps,boars,horses and rhinos
    what do tigers look like?

    tigers are the big cat family
    they have black stripes with orange fur
    some tigers have black stripes with white fur
    they have long claws and long legs to run fast
    they are long thin whiskers and sharp teeth
    where do tigers live?
    tigers live in Asia.
    they live in rainforest,grassland,savannas, and ever mangrove swamps
    Interesting facts
    tigers love to swim
    tigers baby’s are called cubs
    people want to kill tigers because they want there fur

  6. Sulaiman A.

    I played โ€˜wakey wakeyโ€™ on education city, I scored 90%.
    What do tigers eat?
    Tigers eat meat.
    What do tigers look like?
    They look like big cats. Tigers have orange, white and black stripes. Tigers eye colour are green.
    Where do tigers live?
    They live in Asia and Africa.

  7. Liyana M.

    I played both games and scored 95% and 100%.

    What do tigers eat?
    Tigers eat cows, horses, pigs, and rhinos.
    what do tigers look like?
    Some tigers have orange fur and brown stripes
    where do tigers live?
    Tigers live in Asia,Korea, and India.

  8. Evie T.

    Evie has completed her homework and scored 90% on education city

  9. Naksh P.

    in both of them I got 100

    1. Natan R.

      What do tigers eat?
      Tigers eat pig, deer, horse, rhinoses, monkey.
      What do tigers look like?
      They have orange fur with black stripes.
      Where do tigers live?
      Tigers live in Asia, Serbia, Butan India and China.

  10. Aryan H.

    On the Education city, I played wakey wakey and my score was 60%.

    What do tigers eat?
    Tigers only eat meat like deers and bears.
    What do tigers look like?
    Tigers are reddish orange with dark stripes .
    Where do tigers live?
    Tigers live in the forest or swamps.
    Aryan left his homework book at school so he had to do his literacy homework on the blog.

  11. Manuela M.

    I played Wakey -Wakey and Snoozing time on education city.

  12. Manuela M.

    Tigers eat pigs,horses and birds.
    Tigers have orange and black strips.
    Tigers live in Asia,India & China.

  13. Sarah B.

    1.Tigers are carnevals so they eat meat.
    2.tigers have black strips and orange fur.
    3.tigers live in asia and china.

  14. Sarah B.

    I got 95% on wakey,wakey.

  15. Amelia R.

    Amelia played on education city her score was 100% and 95%

  16. Aiyla S.

    Aiyla has completed Education City


    1. Tigers eat horses, pigs and dears

    2. They have orange fur with black stripes

    3.Tigers live in Asia and Russia

  17. Bilal U.

    Bilal has completed his maths homework week 1 got 100% and 90%.

  18. Bilal U.

    Bilal literacy homework below:

    What do tigers eat?
    Tigers are carnivores which means that they only eat meat. Such as rhinos, deers, cows, pigs, horses and other small animals.

    What do tigers look like?
    Tigers have black stripes with orange fur and they have also got sharp teeth and claws to get other animals with there sharp claws so that they can eat them.

    Where do tigers live.
    The tigers live in Siberia, Asia, China and India. They also live in habitats like the woodlands. Tigers also live in zoos.

    Interesting facts
    People want to kill tigers because they want there fur.
    There are lots of types of tigers like Javan tigers, bengal tigers, Bali tigers, sumatran tigers, Siberian tigers, Caspian tigers, south china tigers.
    The strongest and powerful tiger is the Siberian tiger.
    The rarest and the smallest tigers are the sumatran tigers they are powerful with large claws and they can catch there food all by themselves.

  19. Warizah I.

    1 pigs and cows
    2 Tigers have orange fur n black Strips
    3Tigers lives in Aisa

  20. Elisei-Ionut P.

    I did my homework and i scored 95%

  21. Huzaifa S.

    I played Wakey, Wakey and scored 80%. I played snoozing time and scored 85%.

    (Literacy Homework)

    Tigers are carnivores, they eat deer, buffalo, monkeys, wild pigs, reptiles, birds, fish and even insects.

    Tigers are big cats, they have orange background colour fur with black stripes.

    There are very few tigers left in South-East Asia but they can still be found in India, Nepal, Russia and Bhutan.

  22. Maximilian J.

    I have done my literacy work in my homework book.

  23. Maximilian J.

    I played ,,Wakey ,Wakey ” and ,,Snoozing time” in Education city . My score is 100% both.

  24. Kayla P.

    I have done my literacy work in my homework book. I scored 100% on Snoozing Time and 95% on Wakey, Wakey.

    1. Maximilian J.

      I have done my literacy work in my homework book.

  25. Waniya Z.

    Tigers eat pigs, rhinos cows deers horses
    Tigers have orange fur with black stripes
    Tigers live in Asia.

  26. Jasmine P.

    Jasmine finished her education city

  27. Jasmine P.

    Tigers eat meat like other animals pigs , cows and deers
    Tigers has orange fur and black stripes
    They lives in Asia.

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