Hello Year 2. Below is your homework for this week. Please remember to practise your reading and get an adult to sign your diary. Also, practise your spellings and your times tables. Have a great weekend.

46 responses to “Year 2 Week 5 Homework”

  1. Orevaoghene O.

    Oreva scored 87% on education city

  2. Huzaifa S.

    Huzaifa has completed his Maths homework on Education city and scored 100%. He has also completed his Literacy challenge on the blog.

  3. Adam O.

    Adam completed the maths task on Education City and scored 93%.
    He has also completed the reading challenge on the blog.

  4. Advika B.

    I got 100% in education city and I also did the reading challenge

  5. Sanya S.

    Snaya has done her education city and got 100% she has also done the reading challenge

  6. Aiyla S.

    Aiyla got 100% on education city and has completed the reading challenge

  7. Tala I.

    Tala done her homework on education city and she got %100

    And she completed the Reading challenge.

  8. Warizah I.

    I scored 100%

  9. Kayla P.

    I have completed my maths on education city and score 100% and I have completed my reading challenge on the blog.

  10. Waniya Z.

    Waniya complete reading challenge she writes on her homework book .

  11. Hannah B.

    I have completed my maths and English homework on education city and the reading challenge

  12. Hannah B.

    I have completed my maths and English challenges

  13. Sarah B.

    I have completed my reading challenge and I have got 100% on Education City.

  14. Murtaza A.

    I have completed the reading blog and education city.

  15. Noah M.

    I have completed my homework.

  16. Salman O.

    I have completed my reading challenge and I have got 100% on Education City.

  17. Muhammed I.

    In education city I got 96%

  18. Maryam K.

    Maryam has done her homwork

  19. Hamasah Y.

    Hamasah has complete her homework.

  20. Freya S.

    Freya completed education city snd ready challenge on blog

  21. Liyana M.

    I got 100% on education city.

    1. Mrs Browning

      I have seen your score Liyana. Superstar!⭐️⭐️⭐️

  22. Iqra A.

    I have finished my education city and my score is 100%.

    1. Mrs Browning

      Superstar Iqra 👌🏻

  23. Bilal U.

    Bilal has completed his maths homework and his english challenge homework.

    1. Mrs Penavega

      Great job Bilal

  24. Maryum N.

    I got 100% on education City I read my book I will do my challenge now.

  25. Waniya Z.

    I have got 100% in education city

  26. Jasmine P.

    jasmine finished education city she got 93% and she done her reading challenge

  27. Hudaa M.

    I scored 100 out of 100 in educatun city

  28. Huzaifah J.

    I scored 100% on education city

    1. Huzaifah J.

      I have also completed my reading challenge

  29. Zakariyah A.

    i scored 100% on education city

    1. Mrs Penavega

      Great work Zak. Well done.

      1. Zakariyah A.

        I can’t find the English

        1. Mrs Penavega

          Hi Zak

          If you look on the right hand side of the home page of the blog, you will see challenges. Click on this, then Reading challenges, then Year 2. Hope this helps.

  30. Emraan A.

    I have got 100% in education City

    1. Mrs Browning

      Superstar Emraan ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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