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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Well-Being Day in 2Blue!

2Blue have had a very festive Well-Being Day today! They have enjoyed baking Gingerbread Men, playing Pictionary, making Christmas cards, creating snowflakes and so much more! What did you enjoy, why?
Baker Walker and the children did a GREAT job at baking the Gingerbread Men!

6 responses to “Well-Being Day in 2Blue!”

  1. Great O.

    I enjoyed making the ginger bread man and making the card.

  2. Hosanna N.

    I enjoyed creating snowflakes and making gingerbread men because I have never seen how it works in oven. It was so cool seeing them getting big.

  3. Mueez K.

    I had fun Making the snowflakes because everyones looked cool

  4. Rayyan R.

    I loved the gingerbread man.Tasted so yummy.

  5. Shreya S.

    I enjoyed making the ginger bread man and making snowflakes they turn out really nice. It was the best day ever.

  6. Ziad H.

    I had so much fun today 🧔🏻‍♂️

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