Year 3 Trip


                                                                                             April 2023   

Dear Parents/ Carers                                                     

The Year 3 children will visit London British Museum for the day on Wednesday 10th May.

If you have paid the annual one-off charge of £30.00 that will cover the cost of this trip, however if you have not paid the £30.00 the charge for this trip only will be £20.00.

Please can all monies be paid as soon as possible and by the morning of Tuesday 2nd May at the latest. Please send the correct money to the school office in an envelope with your child’s name, class and trip written on the front.

All children who usually have a hot meal will be provided with a packed lunch on the day, so they will not need to bring anything with them.

If your child currently brings a packed lunch you will need to provide a packed lunch for them on the day. Please do not send a fizzy drink and please send the drink in a plastic bottle.

If you would also like to send a small healthy snack, then please do so.

The bus will leave school at 7.30am and will be back by 6.30pm

Please drop off and collect your child from Hanford Close and please check the website on the day for any updated information.

If you require any further details, please speak to one of the Year 3 Teachers.

13 responses to “Year 3 British Museum Trip”

  1. Yusuf S.

    I’m looking forward to the trip!

  2. Chavi L.

    I cant wait to see the museum

  3. Zainullah S.


  4. Toleen S.

    I am soo exited.😂😁😀😃😄😅😏🤗😋😊😉

  5. Safaa Y.


  6. Safaa Y.

    I can’t wait till we go to the London museum

  7. Neda S.

    I cannot wait to be there 😁😁😁😁

  8. Yasmin A.

    I am so happy

  9. Jari V.

    I can not wait to go to the British Museum :)

  10. Hadiya M.

    Good to know

  11. Dean-Junior L.

    My mum would like to attend and help out if you need any parents .

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