Today in DT we explored how air can make objects move.

How does air make the following objects move?

Think about how they move?

Do they make a sound?

112 responses to “Year 3 DT – Exploring Air”

  1. Faris B.

    Who Mrs redhead

  2. Safa M.

    When you let the balloon off it will let the air out and it will make a squeak sound.They move in different directions.It makes squeaky noises.Yes.
    2.A party blower
    Air makes the party blower unfoled.They move forewords and backwards.
    They make a party sound.
    By Hamida Ranj Ebenezere and Safa.

  3. Sardar O.

    The wisely has a ball in Side the Whisle

  4. Sidrah S.

    The whistle makes an noise when you blow air into it. This happens because Because there’s a little ball inside that makes noise when you blow into .
    When you blow into a party blower it makes noise because straight line inside.
    If you blow into a balloon it will grow bigger in size of the air.

  5. Sumaya O.

    The whistle makes a noise when you blow air into it .
    This happens because inside the whistle is a small ball in it and it vibrates when you blow the whistle.

    When you blow into the party blower it makes a noise because there is a strait notch inside of the party blower and when you blow the party blower it makes a noise

  6. A birthday whist is loud when it long and quite birthday whist is quite when it short
    Rahim Arjun maya

    1. Miss Redhead

      You did not tell me about the air.

  7. Abigail F.

    The whistle makes this a noise when you blow air into it.
    This happens because it expands when you blow it expands.
    When you blow into the party blower it makes a noise because there is a small line that you blow into the blower then makes a sound.
    If you blow into the balloon it will fly up.
    The ballon is made from , rubber this is stherchy .
    when you let go of the ballon it will fly.
    AbigailFand carter

  8. Ariyan S.

    The whistle makes a noise when you blow air into it.
    This happens because the small ball was inside and the small ball was moving.
    When you blow into party blower it makes noise because there is a board.
    If you blow into the balloon it will air will be inside.
    The balloons is made from rubber, this is plastic.
    When you let it go of the balloon it will pop.

  9. Alya M.

    The ballon made a hi pitch sound because the Air pressure
    2. Happy birthday fing wen you blow up the air
    Yegor Alya Rayan

    1. Miss Redhead

      Think about writing clear sentences.
      It is thing – not fing

  10. Mustafa Z.

    1. The balloon makes the object move by the air pressure because when you blow the object vibrates and moves at a fast paste.
    2. They make a sound when you hold in the air of the balloon 🎈.

    1. Miss Redhead

      Good answer – well done!

      1. Yasmin A.

        Thanks so much

  11. Charis O.

    The party blower’s paper move by when you blow not too much air in then vibrates by the air moves and then the air unraps

  12. Haroon E.

    When you hold the bloon’s it doesn’t make a noise.
    When streach the bloon it does make a noise

    1. Miss Redhead

      Why does it make a noise?

  13. Awais J.

    When you blow into the party blower it will vibrat and make a sound

  14. Eva T.

    Air makes the balloon move by blowing in the balloon and if you let it go it will fly. They do make a sound and it has and if you blow gently it will make a quiet sound and loud sound.

    Nabiha and Camarni

    1. Miss Redhead

      Well done! Remember to use the word vibration next time.

  15. Ameera K.

    1.It adds pressure to the objects and makes a sound
    2.They move when you blow into them.
    3.Yes they do.

  16. Chavi L.

    1.The adds pressure to the object and makes a sound.
    2.The party blower gets longer, the balloon gets all the air in and when it’s been tied up the air stays in.

  17. Max P.

    1. By blowing air into it.

  18. Awais J.

    Awais and. Aiza
    The whistle makes a noise when you blow air into it. This happenes because there is a ball inside the whistle that moves around
    When you blow into the party blower . It makes a noise because there is a rectangle that swipes too make the noise .If you blow into the balloon it will float in the air the ballon is made out of rubber this is streachey
    When you let go of it the balloon it will make a loud sound and fly away so quickly

    1. Miss Holland

      Well done Awais and Aiza! What happens to the wrapped up paper at the end of the party blower and why?

  19. Jari V.

    -by blowing air into it.
    -air is pushing through our mouth.
    -it adds pressure to the objects and makes a sound.

  20. Eesaa A.

    1.They move by blowing For example a party blower when you put air pressure into it it gets longer.
    2.They move move by the Pressure the more pressure the more it moves.
    3.Yes they make a sound like when you blow a whistle it makes a ring sound
    When you blow a party blower it makes a sound when you put air into a ballon and take it out and take it out it makes a sound.

    1. Mrs Farooq

      What is the difference between a whistle and party blower?

  21. Shumiyah H.

    When the balloon has been blown it’s big and full with air.

  22. Eliza N.

    1. It makes it move because when air is blown in if you stop it will stop
    2. By blowing air into it if you let a balloon go it will fly everywhere 🎈
    3. If you put pressure on your object it will make a loud noise 🥳🎈

    1. Mrs Farooq

      What is the difference between a whistle and balloon?

  23. Charis O.

    Party Blower
    Charis says that when you blow a party blower , it will make a sound. This happens because there is a rectangular box and when you blow into it the party blower it will make a sound.

    Ebied says The whistle makes a noise when you blow into it. This happens because there is this tiny ball whereas ,the tiny ball runs around until it vibrates this is how a whistle works

    Charis says If you blow a balloon it will make no sounds whereas ,if you let it go it will make a high sound if a little bit of air but if there is a big hole of air it will make a low sound

    1. Miss Holland

      Great reasoning! How does the paper at the end of the party blower move/ make sound? Expand on your answers.

  24. Muhammed H.

    Ballon is bigger and the whistle is smaller.

    It gets bigger and fatter.

  25. Sardar O.

    Think about how they move the whisle move the Bole wen you blow the
    This is muhammadO

    1. Miss Redhead

      Why do they make sounds?

  26. Emil D.

    The ballon because it’s loud

  27. Alya M.

    The ballon made a squeaking sound

    The ballonBecause made a squeaking sound because of the air pressure

    1. Miss Redhead

      How did the air pressure make the balloon squeak?

  28. Abdelraham A.

    The whistle makes a noise when you blow air into it .This happens because there is a little white ball inside of it.

    When you blow into the party blower it makes noise because it has a
    small line so when the little white ball hits into the line it makes a loud noise.

    If you blow into the ballon it will get bigger. The ballon is made from air this is good for you to play with the balloon it is good for you to play with. When you let go of the balloon it will blow crazy.

    1. Miss Holland

      Well done Abdelrahman! How does a party blower work differently from a whistle?

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