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Just a reminder about our trip tomorrow on Wednesday 10th May 2023 to the British Museum in London.

Children MUST be in school at 7:15 am to be registered.

The coaches leave at 7:30am.

Please ensure your child has breakfast before coming to school.

We will leave to return home at 3:30pm from London.

We are hoping to arrive back at 6.30pm.

Please drop off and collect your child from Hanford Close.

School dinners will be provided with a packed lunch.

Packed lunch bring lunch as normal.

All children need a drink in a bottle. NO FIZZY DRINKS.

Send your child with an additional snack as it will be a long day.

All children need a backpack or bag to carry their lunch around – they will be responsible for their own coats and bags.

Children wear school uniform

Children need sensible shoes for walking.

Please check the blog for updates on our return time, we will update you as we travel back.


6 responses to “Year 3 Trip 10.5.23”

  1. Shumiyah H.

    it was amazing when we saw the mummies

  2. Fatima S.

    it is so fun😍

  3. Mya F.

    Thank you for the information. I can’t await for tomorrow.

  4. Emil D.

    Ok I will follow the instructions.

    1. Nick C.

      Me as well we are going to see tomb

  5. Havin A.

    Thanks for the information Mrs Redhead

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