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Hi year 4,

Here is this week’s homework. Don’t forget it must be finished by Wednesday morning. Complete a minimum of two pieces and if you have any problems, let your teacher know on Monday morning.

Practise your times tables on TTRS and record your score in your homework book. 

Make sure you play for at least 10 minutes.

Write a poem about winter. It can be in any style that you wish e.g. Haiku, rhyming, acrostic, limerick or free verse.

Purple Mash: Answer the questions set on your 2DO.

16 responses to “YEAR 4 AUTUMN 2 WEEK 2 HOMEWORK”

  1. Chavi L.

    I completed my homework.

  2. Sanaa M.

    I have played TTRS for 15 mins, wrote a poem in homework book and got 5/6 in Science.

  3. Sanaa M.

    Hi teacher 😊 I play ttrs and my score 149 for math. I did a winter poem and in science/wow I got 5/6

  4. Minnah M.

    I can’t do my homework since I do not have my homework book . But I have completed TTRS . I hope we win the competition !

    1. Miss Woodman

      Well done for doing your TTRS. Remember you can always do your work on paper if you don’t have your book.

  5. Musa B.

    Sorry I have to do it on Monday because I haven’t got my homework book

    1. Miss Woodman

      Only the English needs your book, Musa, make sure you have done one of the other tasks as well!

  6. Havin A.

    I’ve finished my best score was 21 on race around the world/arena
    I finished purple mash have a good day!

    1. Miss Nisa

      Well done Havin

  7. Sumayyah A.

    I have played TTRS for 20 mins.

    1. Miss Nisa

      Welldone Sumayyah

  8. Sumayyah A.


    When it is winter I like to play.
    I like to play all day .
    I love to play with the snow.
    I also love to wear a bow.

    1. Miss Nisa

      Can you add a metaphor to your poem ?

  9. Shemaiah W.

    I got -3/5 miss .

  10. Shemaiah W.

    ok iwill finish my homeworck i have two pieces left

    1. Miss Nisa

      Make sure you record it in your homework book.

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