To use proportion to sketch a rainforest animal

Hi year 4,

For art this half term we are looking at creating a rainforest piece of art inspired by Henri Rousseau.

Below are some tutorial for each animal. You can choose whichever one you wish to include in your final piece of art:


Tree Frog:


Click here to upload and share any work.

38 responses to “Year 4 Home Learning: Art (10.03.23)”

  1. Mojirolaoluwa S.

    I ‘ ve done the art home learning

  2. Arhan Sarkar

    I’ve uploaded my work.

  3. Zaynab M.

    how do you upload your work .

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Zaynab click on the blue writing that says click here.

  4. Zoe E.

    I have uploaded my work

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Great work Zoe. Did you like your drawing? How could you improve it?

  5. Delilah R.

    I drew N orangutan

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Well done Delilah.
      Are you going to draw an Orangutan for your final piece?

  6. Simra S.

    I have uploaded my Art work.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Great job Simra. What do you think you did well? What would you improve?

  7. Manha S.

    I have uploaded my Art work.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Well done Manha. Are you happy with your sketch? What would you change?

      1. Manha S.

        Yes I am happy with my sketch . I would change the 🌿 plants

  8. Adam O.

    I have uploaded my art work.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Great job Adam. Are you happy with your sketch? What will you change when drawing your animal for your final piece?

  9. Arifa H.

    I have uploaded my work

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Great art work Arifa?
      Are you happy with your rainforest animal or do you think you will change it for your final piece of art?

  10. Janelle O.

    I uploaded my work.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Well done Janelle.
      Are you happy with your drawing? What will you change for your final piece?

      1. Janelle O.

        The final piece that i am going to change is less birds in the background, more sketching and so many different colours.

  11. Harrison S.

    Artwork uploaded

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Well done Harrison.
      Are you happy with your sketch? What would you change?

  12. Nihal P.

    I have uploaded my work.

    1. Miss Woodman

      Lovely little frogs, Nihal! How could you improve your work?

  13. Maryam M.

    I have uploaded my art work.

    1. Miss Woodman

      Well done Maryam, that’s a lovely toucan! How could you improve your work?

      1. Maryam M.

        I could improve my work by making the body of the bird bigger and maybe draw a tree with the branch.

  14. Amina H.

    I uploaded my artwork

    1. Miss Woodman

      Fantastic drawing Amina, well done! How could you improve your work?

  15. Marwah K.

    I have uploaded my art work

    1. Miss Woodman

      Lovely drawing Marwah, well done! How could you improve your work?

  16. Miss Nisa

    Hi Year 4 can’t wait to see your lovely artwork! Please upload!

  17. Mohammed K.

    I have uploaded my art work

    1. Mr Kane

      Hi Mohammed,
      Can you have a go at uploading your work again please? I am eager to see your work,
      Thank you

      1. Mohammed K.

        I have uploaded again Mr Kane

    2. Mr Kane

      Ahh I can see it now well done a good effort. Can you tell me what you think went well? What would you improve?

      1. Mohammed K.

        The shape went well.I can improve by by making it symmetrical

  18. Mrs Walker

    Year 4 we would love to see some of your Art. Can’t wait to view it in the upload.

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