
Read the text and answer the questions.


Go onto Times Table Rockstars and practice your times tables. Record your score in your homework book.


Design your own WW2 machine. This could be a plane, tank, ship. The choice of yours. Bonus points for a model of your design!

84 responses to “Year 4 Homework- Week 4”

  1. Noor A.

    English :

    1. The word trade means to swap something which is also the same as barter.

    2. The grocer gave treats such as a sweet to Clara.

    3. Clara was excited because she said ” can you believe it? ” , which she also dscribed as sweet and sticky.

    4. Because the food was nice and she had more than enough, which she also wanted to share with her mum.

  2. Sanad S.

    I got 220 in ttrs.

    The word barter is a synonym to the word trade.
    The item that Clara got from the Grocer is sweets.
    The phrase ‘Can you believe it’ tells us that she is excited about it because she finally managed to get an orange.
    It ends in that way because she absolutely misses her mum and wants to share the orange with her.

  3. Muhammad S.

    1.Barter is the same word as trade.
    2.The grocer gave Clara treats.
    3.I even was able to get an orange, can you believe it?
    She was excited because in WWII trade-routes were cut.
    4.Clara misses her mother.

  4. Rubab G.

    1. barter means trade
    2. sweets were givwen to clara
    3. she likes oranhe bevacuse is it sweet and juciey
    4. she misses her mum and wants to share with her

  5. Lucas R.

    1 The word trade is the same as barter
    2 The grocer gave Clara a sweet
    3 Clara was excited to get the orange she said “can you believe it? “
    4 Clara misses her mother and wants to share the orange with he.

    1. Lucas R.

      I’ve done ttrs as well

  6. Caleb A.

    I got 29 on ttrs and i eill bring wow in

  7. Ayaan M.

    1)The same word as trade is barter.
    2)They gave her an orange can and treats.
    3)Clara was exited because in the text it says “Can you believe it!” .
    4)She said that because she wished she wanted to give to her mom.

    1. Ayaan M.

      I scored 179 on ttrs then I got 178 then 177.

  8. Lexi M.

    1. The same word as trade barter.
    2. They gave her sweets and an orange.
    3.it said can you belive it? Was so sweet and sticky.
    4.because she wanted to share with her mum

  9. Lexi M.

    1. The same word as trade barter.
    2. They gave hersweets and an orange.
    3.it said can you belive it? Was so sweet and sticky.
    4.because she wanted to share with her mum

  10. Abdullah K.

    1.The other word for trader is barter.
    2.The Grocer gave a sweet to clara.
    3.She was getting a orange because it is juicy and stickey.
    4.She said that because she wants the vegtables from the back garden.

    1. Abdullah K.

      I have done my ttrs.

  11. Mehreen I.

    1 The same word as trade is swap.
    2 grocer gave sweet to clara
    3 because clara said the orange was juicy
    And sweet and sticky
    4 because clara said that because she is
    Missing her mum

  12. Umar S.


    54 correct and 2 incorrect in 1 minute


    1. Barter has the same meaning as Trade.
    2. The Grocers gave sweets to Clara.
    3. “Can you believe it” is the sentence which tells us that is excited about getting an orange.
    She was excited because she was not expecting to find the oranges also orange juice was so sweet and sticky.
    4. She says because she has plenty vegetable and she wish she can share it with her mother.

  13. Maryam N.

    Question 1 The same word as trade is swap.
    Question 2 The grocer gave Clara a sweet
    Question 3 Because she said can you believe it about finding an orange it means she was excited because she might not have had a orange in a long time.
    Question 4 Clara said that because she is missing her mum.

    1. Maryam N.

      I did maths and I got 2 out of 10

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