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Year 4 MTC meeting for parents – IMPORTANT!

The government states that all children in England are expected to know all their times tables up to 12×12. This is the first year that children in Year 4 will take an official test to check whether they can recall their multiplication tables fluently (this means accurately and quickly).

Children will be taking the test in June and we would like to offer parents and carers the opportunity to know more about the test, have a go yourselves and find out how so you can support your child in the coming months so they achieve well in the test.

If you would like to attend the meeting on Monday 7th February at 9am, please complete the form by following the link. Places are limited so please complete as soon as possible. https://forms.gle/3G58wj41JfrCPYKm9

If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher. We look forward to seeing you.

One response to “Year 4 MTC meeting for parents – IMPORTANT!”

  1. Karanbir B.

    “I did the form.”

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