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We share all the exciting events that took place last term and give you a sneak peek of what’s coming up.

Hello year 4, well what a fun packed term we’ve had. You have all made great progress particularly in Maths and your times tables, you have all shown great resilience and tenacity in all areas of learning. In our History unit we have been learning all about the Tudors and visited Bosworth Park to experience what it was like to live in the Tudor period. Take a look at all of this terms learning and leave a comment to say what you have enjoyed. We hope you have a lovely but safe half term. We look forward to seeing you in Summer 2, for our final term with you.



4 responses to “Year 4 Portfolios – Summer 1 2023”

  1. Amina H.

    I like the trip and the science and English.
    Thanks you for all that you do for us.

  2. Myiesha S.

    I really enjoyed everything.
    Thank you teachers for trying you best to make an imovie just for us.

  3. Manha S.

    I really enjoyed the trip and the maths learning in maths about time , it was soo easy…

  4. Simra S.

    I enjoyed it l enjoyed the trip .

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