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We share all the exciting events that took place last term and give you a sneak peek of whatโ€™s coming up.

Today Year 5, have had the opportunity to dress up from the 1960s period. Have a look at our pictures and videos to see how we celebrated the day.

We created double page spreads to show the reasons behind the different subcultures – the mods, rockers and hippies.

We choreographed a dance as a group by watching dance moves from the 1960s period.

Today, we created soundscapes to accompany a video of the 1969 moon landing. We used teamwork and communication while we were in our orchestra.

In groups, we used our teamwork, communication and imagination skills to create plaque cards for our protest.

We learnt about the artist Roy Lichtenstein. Inspired by his art, we created one of his pop art, using bubble wrap. We used our painting and brush techniques to create this.

8 responses to “Year 5 – 1960s Day”

  1. Robyn B.

    I Loved 1960s DAY

  2. Madeeha T.

    I really enjoyed 1960s day

  3. Mopelola L.

    It was a great day!

  4. Dhiyashini S.

    It was such a fun day!

  5. Amirah T.

    Thank you teachers for putting effort into planning this day! I have enjoyed this fun day and we have got the opportunity to dress up. Iโ€™m sure everyone else has loved this event!

  6. Miss Novsarka

    What a great day we had yesterday!

  7. Mrs Davison

    Wow, what an amazing day! It looks like you had an amazing day – I love all your outfits, thank you for making such an effort!

  8. Anish B.

    It was very fun!

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