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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

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Year 5 Activities to Keep Your Brains Ticking Over

Hi Year 5!

As we approach February Break, here are some activities to keep your brains ticking over in our week away from school. Feel free to complete as much or as little as you like.

  • Create a word search of your Spring 1 Spelling words and ask a member of your family to find the words.
  • TTRS – this is key!
  • Create a presentation to showcase all you have learnt about the Victorians. Add illustrations, fact boxes and conclude whether it was a dark age or a golden age.
  • Research 3 major rivers around the world – this will prepare you for your next learning.
  • Create something! It could be a pull-along toy, a model of a Victorian home (make sure you research), a model of a river or anything you feel inspired by.
  • Read a book of your choice and write a review of it (a template is attached below).
  • Create a poster to showcase the work of a local/national charity.
  • Write a poem.
  • Write your own detective story.
  • Create a map of a fantasy land (challenge: do this on squared paper and use the co-ordinates to locate key places).

9 responses to “Year 5 Activities to Keep Your Brains Ticking Over”

  1. Ebenezer O.

    Ok I will do this at home

  2. Ibrahim M.

    Thank you for the info

  3. Najma O.

    Okay I will try

  4. Tana I.

    I will try and do it

  5. Mohammed W.

    Thank you for the information

  6. Yahya S.

    Ok.I will try to complete them

  7. Awais W.

    I will make sure I will do one of these activities

  8. Tipian I.

    Thanks I will make sure I’ll do it

  9. Romeesa T.

    Ok thankyou for the infomation

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