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Year 5 – Hobbies and Sports likes and dislikes

Hola Clase! Year 5 children have been learning the key vocabulary for sports and hobbies and then have been sharing their opinions about these in Spanish.

Can you now share your likes and dislikes for the sports and hobbies that you have learnt within your Spanish lessons on the blog – remember to give reasons…’porque’

GD – Can you also describe some sports in Spanish and we will try to guess which sport it is.

9 responses to “Year 5 – Hobbies and Sports likes and dislikes”

  1. Eman A.

    Me gustan las matemáticas porque son desafiantes, así que aprendo cosas nuevas.
    Odio bailar porque es aburrido.

  2. Umama H.

    Me gusta mathematics porque es fantastico.
    Me gusta lectura porque es estupendo.
    No me gusta chucar musica porque es aburrido.
    Odio baller porque es aburrido.
    Hasbia and Umama.

  3. Sania K.

    Me Odia Nadar porque es horrible

  4. Xlexben F.

    Me gusta jugar el football porque fantastico

  5. Tipian I.

    Me gusta futbol , porque es facil.

  6. Tana I.

    The modern knuckles is a very popular film with

    1. Tana I.

      I am so sorry .I didn’t mean to post that will you please forgive me.it was a accident.
      Me gusto jagar futboll porque is fantastic o(I love playing football because its fantastic)

  7. Romeesa T.

    Me gusta jugar futbol porque interestsate .

  8. Head Teacher

    Well done children, perhaps we need to send this to Ofsted to show how talented we are at BH?

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