Everyone needs to complete two pieces of homework AND write the week 2 spellings in your book as a handwriting task. Each piece of homework should be completed using their best presentation skills.


To review addition and subtraction.


To review punctuation use

Halley’s Comma has been set for you on Education City.


To research Spain

This half term, we will be writing a persuasive travel brochure to encourage people to travel to Spain. Your task is to research Spain. You can present your findings in any way you choose.

Ideas to research:

  • Population
  • Landmarks
  • Food
  • Activities
  • Famous festivals and celebrations

38 responses to “Year 5 Homework Autumn 2 Week 1”

  1. Maddox B.

    i have done my spellings and maths in my book, education city i got 71%

  2. Abdulahi D.

    I got 67/100

  3. Tana I.

    I did my homework

  4. Raiyan K.

    Alright is correct because the shoo had made 176 pizza bases and after they had made another 80 bases and if you add 176 and 80 together your answer will be 256 then they sell 247 pizzas if you do 256 – 247 it will equal 9, so Ashleigh is correct and Bailey is incorrect.

    1. Raiyan K.


      1. Raiyan K.


  5. Ibraheem T.

    Ashleigh is correct because they made 176 pizza bases before opening.then they made 80 more pizza bases


    256 pizza bases they have altogether. they sold 247 pizza bases which left them with 09 pizza bases left.


    so ashleigh was correct.

    Ibraheem Tahir.

  6. Ibraheem T.

    i have done my addition and subtraction homework

  7. Retaj I.

    I have done my Maths and English I got 79% on education city

  8. Abul-Qasim H.

    Done Maths and WOW however Ed City is not working with any of the devices we have at home.

  9. Zeyd H.

    I have completed Hailey’s Comma on Education City. My score was 88%

  10. Sania K.

    I have complete my own , English , maths and handwriting in my homework book.

  11. Ayaan M.

    I did english and my math and got 100% for the education city work you set for us.

  12. Hudayifah A.

    256-247= 9 there will be 9 pizzas left
    Ashleigh is correct.
    I did english.

  13. Zahra D.

    I have done the English and Wow homework along with spellings. I will ring it to school.

  14. Rafay K.


  15. Khadija A.

    I scored 38 0/0

  16. Ammara K.

    I will complete my spelling and wow home work in my home work book
    I will also complete my english

  17. Zahraa Y.

    I will do wow and English with handwriting. And I would love to bring extra if that’s ok!

  18. Ibraheem T.

    should i do my spain writing im my homework book??

  19. Ibraheem T.

    my ttrs and BH login is good

    1. Maryam I.

      go on the linkes above

      1. Maryam I.


  20. Yaseen E.

    I have done my homwork.

  21. Abdul Y.

    I did maths and English .My score on education city was 100%.

  22. Elyas A.

    I done my maths in my homework book and i did my English in Education city and i got 100%

  23. Haroon K.

    I have completed my maths and my English homework.

  24. Ibrahim M.

    I have done my maths and spellings in my book and my English on education city.

  25. Romeesa T.

    I did my homework in the home work book.

  26. Mohammed I.

    I have done my wow and maths homework.

  27. Tipian I.

    I have done my homework and will bring it to school

    1. Tipian I.

      And scored 75 on education city

  28. Maryam N.

    I have completed my homework I did maths and English πŸ˜ƒ

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