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Year 5 – Portfolios Spring 1 2022

Hello Year 5, What can we say we’ve had a superb half term. Lots of learning, progress made and it’s been fun. We’ve had some fantastic opportunities to help us develop our knowledge and skills. Going back in time to the Victorian era with a splendid trip to the Black Country Museum Trip and our Victorian day, being brilliant detectives, passionate about poetry and super Science. Watch the videos below and tell us what you have enjoyed this half term. Have a great break and stay safe. Mrs Khan, Mrs Diaz and Mrs Habib





21 responses to “Year 5 – Portfolios Spring 1 2022”

  1. Joel G.

    I have enjoyed writing detective work and I liked learning new Victorian languages

  2. Faizan R.

    I enjoyed this term

  3. Brooke M.

    I enjoyed alll of this

  4. Safiyah P.

    I enjoyed making the Victorian poem in English since I got to learn new Victorian vocabulary.

  5. Lillie S.

    I really enjoyed this week

  6. Aaminah A.

    This term has been absolutely fantastic. Everyone have a great half term!!!

  7. Fatimah K.

    This half term I enjoyed all of the subjects especially history

  8. Maryam G.

    This half term I have enjoyed English because it was Victorian and it had linked to history also I enjoyed writing a detective story and a poem in Victorian style.
    I really enjoyed this term.

  9. Sadiq A.

    The term was amazing

  10. Osato O.

    The thing that I enjoyed most this half term was maths and history. This is because I now know how to add and subtract fraction and working how to solve equivalent fractions. I enjoyed history because i now know some key Victorian language and what it was like in the Victorian era. New facts that I have learnt are that there were a lot of workhouses during that era, and that it was very small and cramped, so a disease could spread easily.

  11. Mehar R.

    This term was amazing

  12. Zakariah D.

    I enjoyed this term a lot as the English learning was fun because we did detective stories.

  13. Aisha R.

    This term was amazing

  14. Naimol A.

    Thank you for the all information

  15. Ayaan B.

    I enjoyed going to Black Country Museum because they showed us about the mines and the man had fire on his hand

  16. Aayan M.

    I have enjoyed the term and learned so much.

  17. Sumayyah A.

    Once again this term was great!

  18. Azaan H.

    This term was fun

  19. Israa F.

    Wow we all did teamwork. Well done to eveyone keep it up!

  20. Aysha R.

    I really enjoyed this term

  21. Inaaya S.

    Have a great weekend and a positive holiday

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