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Year 6 – Black Death Day – Friday 8th December

This term, Year 6 have been learning about the Black Death; a deadly disease that broke out in Europe during the 14th century. On the 8th December, we are having a black death theme day where we will be making our own plague doctor masks, reenacting the Peasants Revolt and many other activities.

We would like you all to dress up for the day. You could come as: a peasant, a plague victim, a monk, a rat, a flea, a plague doctor or anything else related you can think of. Below are some ideas to help you with your fancy dress:

If your parent would like to help us with our sewing, please could they sign in at the Office at 10am. We will be sewing for the majority of the day (with certain groups) so any help, at any point would be wonderful! Thank you in advance!!

6 responses to “Year 6 – Black Death Day – Friday 8th December”

  1. Ibrahim M.

    I liked it

  2. Mohamed E.

    I will be plague doctor I hope its not to weird I would wear dres– black clothes

  3. Ayaan M.

    Ok thank u

  4. Tana I.

    Thank you for the information and I might be a plauge doctor👨‍⚕️

  5. Tipian I.

    On my birthday
    My dad will probably come because he’s great at sewing

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