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Year 6 Computing – Spring 1 – Quizzes!

In Computing this half term, the children have been creating quizzes using PowerPoint. They were able to research and create quiz questions, linking with our biographies unit in English. They then created a design template for their quiz, and practised using key Computing skills such as saving and importing pictures, using shortcut keys and learning how to edit texts and fonts. All key skills to be able to use at secondary school! The children were able to add hyperlinks to their quiz, to enable the user to navigate through the quiz depending on whether they answered correctly or incorrectly. It was brilliant to be able to test these out by sharing our quiz with peers, listening to and addressing any problems or feedback. Well done Year 6!

3 responses to “Year 6 Computing – Spring 1 – Quizzes!”

  1. Tipian I.

    So amazing what technology can do !

  2. Sameeha A.

    I really enjoyed this unit of work

  3. Tana I.

    It was really fun creating the power point

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