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We share all the exciting events that took place last term and give you a sneak peek of what’s coming up.

The children in Year 6 had a fantastic time orienteering in the sunshine at Combe Abbey today! We used our map reading skills to navigate around the site, through fields, woodland and wildflowers! Some flag posts were trickier to find than others, yet the children displayed such perseverance and excellent teamwork skills, leaving everyone feeling proud. Once we had completed the challenge, we had a well deserved picnic, ice cream and time to play with friends. What another fabulous memory to take away from a brilliant year, well done to everyone who took part!

11 responses to “Year 6 – Orienteering at Coombe Abbey!”

  1. Ibraheem S.

    It was very fun

  2. Tana I.

    We were at dol y mkch and I hope you had fun.

  3. Tipian I.

    Looks fun ,we basically did the same thing .

  4. Mohamed E.

    The trip to Coombe abbey it was awesome!🙂

  5. Inayha H.

    It was a fun day!

  6. Lexi M.

    This was so fun.

  7. Yunus R.

    It was so fun and I liked the orienteering and the ice cream 🍦

  8. Ebenezer O.

    I loved Coombe Abby but I wished I went dol- y-moch

  9. Adam J.

    It was a really fun

  10. Najma O.

    It was hard but easy and I had a good time

  11. Ibrahim M.

    It was a good day

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