Hello new Year 6’s. We hope you have had a fantastic summer and are ready to come back and learn on Tuesday. The Year 6 team are all looking forward to getting to know you over the new few weeks and making memories with you over the year.

On Tuesday, we will be doing PE. Please can you wear your PE kits. If you see or speak to anyone from the year group, please spread the word.

See you on Tuesday. 😊

7 responses to “Year 6 PE Tuesday 5.9.23”

  1. Mohammed W.

    Thanks for the information

  2. Tana I.

    Thank you for the information

  3. Markuss B.

    Thank you for the information. I am ready for year 6. 🙃

  4. Ramarni J.

    Thanks for the information but I just wanted to ask if there is breakfast club on the first day of school?

    1. Joss Andrews

      Yes – breakfast club will be on as usual – see you then

  5. Sania K.

    Thank you for the information I am excited to be in year 6 and I will tell everyone I speak to who is in year 6 to wear there pe kit.

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