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Year 6 Portfolios – Autumn 2 2022

Hello Year 6, what a super half term you have had. You have all made fantastic progress and what a great way to end the year. Have a look at the highlights for this half term and tell us what you have enjoyed. We hope you have a super break and we look forward to seeing you in the New Year. Mrs Khan, Mrs Sharma, Mr Inman and Mrs Janjua.





20 responses to “Year 6 Portfolios – Autumn 2 2022”

  1. Faizan R.

    I enjoyed learning about the Black Death. My favourite part was when we did the the poster about the cures and symptoms of the Black Death.

  2. Sumayyah A.

    There is a mistake it says autumn 2 2023

  3. Zaeem S.

    I loved this half term it was fun and I loved dissecting the heart and also the Jack and the beanstalk week.

  4. Afreen S.

    I really loved dissecting the heart and having Black Death day.

  5. Lawy A.

    My favourite part was the dissecting a heart.

  6. Zakariya K.

    My favourite part was dissecting the heart

  7. Zainab A.

    I enjoyed this half term👍🏻

  8. Zainab A.

    I enjoyed this half term

  9. Sumayyah A.

    This term was really fun. I enjoyed learning about the Black Death.

  10. Hasan S.

    I enjoyed Black Death 💀 day my favourite 🤩 subject was math.Usally it’s math

  11. Amelia H.

    I really enjoyed Black Death day and learning about it

  12. Muhammad J.

    I enjoyed when we made fake blood and it was fun when we made the black death mask

  13. Serina I.

    I enjoyed dissecting a heart and making blood

  14. Luxor A.

    I have enjoyed this half term and my favourite thing I learnt this half term is BLACK DEATH and writing the sonnets.

  15. Surinder J.

    I had so much fun because it was nice making the blood and doing the black death masks.

  16. Nihit N.

    I loved writing a sonnet because it embraced our individuality and creativity.

  17. Aleena I.

    I enjoyed making the blood and writing our winter sonnets.

  18. Manvi R.

    I enjoyed whennwe made the fake blood because we got creative with the materials. I also liked when we looked at the lamb’s heart because it was interesting to look at.

  19. Inaaya S.

    I enjoyed performing the sonnet.and making the blood .

  20. Kaif B.

    I enjoyed when we were making blood and looking at a lambs heart.

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