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Please make sure you practise your spellings weekly for your spelling test at the end of the week. You should also be practising your Year 6 spelling words in your reading journal.




10 responses to “Year 6 – Spring 1 Spellings”

  1. Inaaya S.


  2. Lawy A.

    I will practice and get 10 for all of the weeks.

  3. Zainab A.

    I will practice

  4. Mahmuda C.

    I will practice all my spellings

  5. Muhammad B.

    I have practiced my spellings.

  6. Israa F.

    I will practice my spellings

  7. Nihit N.

    Thank you for putting these up, I will practise.

  8. Maryam G.

    I will practise my spellings.

  9. Sumayyah A.

    I will make sure to practise my spellings!

  10. Surinder J.

    I will practise

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