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We share all the exciting events that took place last term and give you a sneak peek of what’s coming up.

School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Connecting with one another through baking bread!
(What is Yeast and why is it used to bake bread?)

Taking notice through Poetry
(Children had the opportunity to read and perform poetry)

Be active through Street Dance
(The children who performed at the Albany Theatre led the way for Y6)

Keep learning through Active Maths!

Giving through our science experiment.
Is the heart affected by exercise?

20 responses to “Y6 Well-being Day (Autumn 2)”

  1. Armaan M.

    Even though it was cold outside, we thank you for doing a well-being day inside instead of not doing one at all.

  2. Aisha B.

    The bread was so good I want to make it again.

  3. Yalda N.

    hope yall had a good time

  4. Yalda N.

    I enjoyed this day although the bread was not that good to me.

  5. Safya S.

    Same here I loved doing the 🥖 bread 🥖 I love 💕

  6. Alexis J.

    I really enjoyed well-being day, especially when we made the bread!

  7. Reece T.

    I loved making the bread 🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖

  8. Xavier M.

    I really enjoyed well-being day ! I hope we get more well being days in future to come.
    My favourite was the active maths and the poetry.

  9. Muhammed A.

    This well being day was amazing. Baking the bread rolls was my favourite part as it required a lot of teamwork. I enjoyed when we did the science experiment and rehearsing the poem Talking Turkeys. It was amazing as this helped develop our social skills.
    Thank you to all the teacher who planned this amazing day for us.

  10. Leyad R.

    I mostly enjoyed the baking however they got really sticky at one point
    And after we got to eat them whilst watching LionKing

    1. Head Teacher

      Watching Lion King??

  11. Aayan M.

    I really enjoyed this amazing this welllbeing day!!
    I really enjoyed making the bread as it was a new experience. It tasted really nice.The active maths really kept me active as I was challenged with questions and being active at the same time. We also had to persevere during the dine questions and exercise. The Talkin Turkeys were really fun as we recreated this poet . In science it was amazing as we tested our pulse and doing different exercises.

    1. Aayan M.


  12. Ravi J.

    This well being day was marvellous!
    I enjoyed making the bread rolls as it was a new experience and the bread rolls was delicious.
    The active maths today kept me going and to continue going we had to persevere in the questions and the exercises.
    We also did some street dance and acted that we was in the benjamin zephaniah poem (Talking Turkeys).

  13. Saira S.

    This wellbeing day was fun! I enjoyed performing the ‘Talking turkeys’ poem and making the bread rolls. Thank you all year 6 staff for choosing this for us.

  14. Elyas S.

    I have really enjoyed today’s well being day.

  15. Mishal N.

    I really enjoyed well-being day ! I hope we get more well being days in future to come.
    My favourite was the poetry and the bread!
    Thank you to all the teachers who planned this day for us! :)

  16. Ridwan U.

    Today in wellbeing was different to expected. Although, wellbeing can be represented in many ways. Stress relievers are mostly used in wellbeing. Wellbeing can include other people. Not just ourselves.

    I once had thought well being was just about sports. Now I realise it is more about mindset.

    Today was enjoyable. I have had fun doing the baking. It tasted very good. The experiment was fun aswell. Wellbeing is important to people as it can help the mindset and relieve stress and it can alot of the time be fun.

    (By the way miss you left the dance section empty).

    1. Mrs Ahmed

      What a great comment! Yes it isn’t just a sports day, it is about building life skills to better our wellbeing! Well done :)

      Also Ridwan, the blog was interactive throughout the day so pictures were uploaded as activities were happening. Remember the teachers were pretty busy in the afternoon finishing the bread baking and leading the science experiments. All photos are up now for you to enjoy!

  17. Abdullah A.

    Well being day was AMAZING! We learnt how to gain social skills by teamwork when making the most delicious bread rolls.

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