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1Blue – Hunting for Newly Built Homes!

This afternoon, 1Blue were introduced to their new History unit, ‘Then and Now’. After identifying and naming different types of homes, they went on a walk to a new estate, looking at the features of newly-built homes. When they came back from their walk, they drew and labelled their newly built home – SO much progress was made!

Challenge! Can you tell me some features of a newly built home? Start with this sentence; A newly built home has…

5 responses to “1Blue – Hunting for Newly Built Homes!”

  1. Roshaan K.

    It was fun and I no that very one missed me so I miss to

  2. Liyana M.

    A newly built house has windows and.a.door.and way

  3. Elgin A.

    A newly built home has a driveway, a garage, double glass windows and a good door

  4. Emraan A.

    A newly built home has garage and double glazed window.

  5. Dhonshan R.

    A newly built home has garage and new building. It is exciting home and modern home.

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