1R Fantastic Foleshill Walk

Today, during our Geography lesson, Year 1 explored our local area. We were looking for human features and we found many! Have a look at our video for some examples…

Can you tell me some of the other features we found along our walk through Foleshill?

4 responses to “1R Fantastic Foleshill Walk”

  1. Amelia B.

    I loved the Foleshill walk because it was very fun and exciting!
    I saw a church,lots of shops,small mosque nearby,doctor surgery and a big police station!

  2. Oscar R.

    I had so much fun, it was exciting, I enjoyed the walk ot was lovely, we saw police station, park, dentist.

  3. Hosanna N.

    I had so much fun and we saw a Doctor surgery and church and a park and we saw police station and shops Dentist temple school bank pizza shops ice cream car houses lawyers and a dog can we go again!

  4. Mrs J Patel

    I enjoyed watching your video. Did we see a mosque on our walk?

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